Chapter 871
Even when Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan stood opposite him, Qianying completely failed to recognize his two masters. It wasn't until the two of them spoke that Qianying reacted in surprise.

Immediately, he found an inn, and as soon as Qianying entered, he knelt down for Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan.

"Congratulations to the king, congratulations to the queen!" Qianying said loudly with an unconcealable smile on her face.

Knowing that Qianying was talking about Ye Qianyue's pregnancy, Si Linyuan was in a good mood, and nodded slightly at Qianying, "The reaction is good, get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Seeing that Si Linyuan had given her permission to get up, Qianying was very happy, she nodded with a smile, and then got up quickly.

Looking at Qianying, Ye Qianyue quickly asked, "How is the situation now?"

"After returning to the queen, Situ Lingting is the main member of the Situ family, and then the first elder, the second elder, and the third elder of the Situ family also came here this time." Qian Ying obviously had already inquired about everything. Now answer Ye Qianyue's question respectfully.

"It seems that there must be something good in this auction that makes Situ Lingting pay so much attention to it!" Ye Qianyue thought of this, and a thought quickly popped into her mind, "The Situ family is a treasurer!" The well-known family’s great cause makes them flock to it so much, it is very likely that there are more residual pictures!”

Obviously thinking that what Ye Qianyue said made sense, Si Linyuan nodded, "Besides, according to Situ Lingting's temperament, it is very likely that the two residual pictures are on his body."

"If that's the case, then our goal is quite obvious." A careless smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and Ye Qianyue's dark eyes shone brightly!
"Before the main auction starts, members of the Situ family may go to participate in other small auctions in Taikoo City. We might as well be careful." Qianying said immediately.

"Qianying, you immediately send people to guard everyone in Situ's house, and don't give them any space or leeway to resist!" Ye Qianyue's brows were cold, and then she continued as if she had thought of something, " Naturally, remember not to disturb their people, everything is done in secret."

"Yes, this subordinate understands!" Nodding her head immediately, after Qianying's words fell, she turned around directly and strode away.


That night, together with Situ's family, Ye Qianyue attended a small auction.

It is said to be a small auction, but it is actually not small. There are also many masters in the entire auction field, and they all look like tigers watching.

Although this kind of auction cannot be compared with the Taikoo Auction, it is quite good.

And just as Ye Qianyue was thinking this way, she soon saw Situ Lingting's familiar figure rushing towards the center of the auction.

You can't lose Situ Lingting at such a time, Ye Qianyue and the two are also walking fast, and quickly followed.

Along the way, they went around several bends, and the crowd was noisy, but Ye Qianyue and his party relied on their excellent footwork to keep a certain distance from the Situ family over there, neither too fast nor too slow facing forward.

(End of this chapter)

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