Chapter 872 Big Difference

But here, everyone in Situ's family was very vigilant, and the three elders surrounded Situ Lingting, closely protecting his safety.

He quickly followed one of the doors and entered the auction house. This time, Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan slowly slowed down their pace.

There were a lot fewer people following. Compared to the easier monitoring of the Situ family members, they were also more likely to be exposed. It is better to be careful and hide everything deeper.

The distance between the Situ family and the Situ family was instantly opened. Ye Qianyue and the two watched vaguely that the people of the Situ family walked up the stairs to the private room on the second floor, and did not mix with the noisy crowd below.

They wouldn't go to grab a private room with Situ's family, but Ye Qianyue and the others found a secluded place and sat down.

In order to prevent people from crowding into Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan also specially set up a barrier, which is indeed very considerate.

And soon, the auction will officially start.

The bustling people filled the entire auction hall, so that the host in charge of the auction had to amplify his voice, and then Lang Lang said loudly, "Thank you for coming to this auction conference. Here, you both You can use gold coins, and you can even exchange them for things, I hope that everyone will do what they can, and return with satisfaction with their own treasures!"

After listening to the host's words, there was a burst of strong and loud applause from below.

In the middle of the applause, the barrier around Ye Qianyue helped her block most of the noise.

And here, the host quickly introduced the first auction item.

It was a treasured beast from the beginning. Although it was good, it was not enough to make Ye Qianyue and the Situ family feel excited.

Listening to the crazy quotations from some of the remaining small forces, the light in Ye Qianyue's dark eyes kept beating slightly, and then accompanied by her light movements, slowly fell silent.

After waiting quietly for a while, a lot of weapons, potions and prescriptions came up from below, but none of them were enough to attract the attention of Situ's family.

After waiting quietly, the members of the Situ family finally moved after a broken picture was presented.

Faintly looking at the dilapidated picture, Ye Qianyue didn't feel anything that moved her heart.

Since getting the first map, Ye Qianyue has also worked hard to find other maps.

I even saw a lot of fake maps that imitated the remnants of the map, but others might be fooled, but Ye Qianyue couldn't.

Because there is a big difference between the real residual map and the fake map.

That's if it thrills her.

The first time she snatched the map from the elder who betrayed Situ's family, Ye Qianyue clearly felt her sincere desire for the map.

That thick and strong desire penetrated deeply into Ye Qianyue's limbs and bones, leaving her no room to resist.

It was a subconscious desire, and it was completely uncontrollable. That's why Ye Qianyue was so sure when she saw the small fragment of the picture in Situ Liu's hand. part of the map.

(End of this chapter)

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