Chapter 874 It Will Be Wonderful

Si Linyuan looked at all this indifferently, and there was a bit of sarcasm hidden in his gilt eyes.

"This is the influence of the big family. Naturally, this has something to do with these people's complete lack of opinion." Ye Qianyue said in a cold tone.

At the auction, the easiest thing to lose is sanity.

Situ's family began to search for maps on a large scale, which made other people go crazy too, wanting to enclose other remnants of maps into their own hands regardless of their care.

At any time, you can't follow the trend, but you should keep calm at all times. These people who come to the auction don't even understand such a simple truth, so they deserve it for wasting money.

Seeing that the Situ family paid a higher price to put the fragmented picture into her pocket like cutting meat, Ye Qianyue smiled softly, thinking that the Situ family was really willing to spend their money, and kept going. I bought so much useless junk.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue sneered even more, "With so much money, it is estimated that it can reach Situ's family's profit for a year."

"The Situ family put all of the rags at such a high price back. After going back, they will be so angry that they will vomit blood." Si Linyuan also looked like he was watching the show, and the corners of his mouth curled into a light cloud. shallow smile.

Seeing Si Linyuan like this, Ye Qianyue only felt that Si Linyuan's smirk looked more violent than usual, which made Ye Qianyue's heart beat unavoidably.

Straight away, Ye Qianyue clasped Si Linyuan's fingers lightly, feeling the warmth from the other's palm.

Seeing that the map was bought by Situ's family again, not only did everyone not lose their interest, but they became even more excited!
There must be a huge secret hidden in the map that the Situ family can get at such a high price!
Naturally, he couldn't just see this opportunity slipping away from his eyes. Everyone was eager to try, waiting for the appearance of the residual picture below.

However, until the end, no more remnants emerged.

The resurrection potion for the finale was sold directly, and this auction has come to a complete end.

The people present couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that they didn't get more residual pictures, but they had no choice but to leave here with some disappointment.

And here, Ye Qianyue and the others watched the members of the Situ family collect all the tattered maps as if they were thieves, and then left quickly.

"It is estimated that the attention of everyone in the Situ family will be attracted by those residual pictures tonight, and there will be no other movement." Speaking of this, the corners of Ye Qianyue's lips immediately evoked a few smiles , "I really want to see what kind of expression Situ Lingting will show after knowing that those maps are fake."

"I think it will be very exciting." Seeing that everyone had almost left, Si Linyuan carefully helped Ye Qianyue up.

Holding Mingxiu in her arms, Ye Qianyue quickly followed Si Linyuan and left here.

Walking out of the huge auction hall, Ye Qianyue was thinking about leaving here, but suddenly felt a sense of disobedience coming from the surroundings.

Her eyes froze for a moment, and Ye Qianyue quickly stopped her steps, and then turned to walk in the direction where the breath came out.

(End of this chapter)

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