Chapter 875 How can this happen!
Seeing Ye Qianyue's reaction, Si Linyuan naturally did not hesitate, followed Ye Qianyue, and walked in the direction she was going.

Came straight to the front of a slightly remote booth, Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows slightly, watching a folding fan spread out on the ground, and in front of the booth, stood a few people in red robes. people.

The aura is very deep, and these red-robed people can be seen to be very powerful.

Her gaze fell on the folding fan over there. Although Ye Qianyue couldn't see anything wrong with the folding fan, she could faintly feel a burst of desire that made her slightly excited coming from the folding fan. Feel.

It was a subconscious feeling of being out of control, enough to make Ye Qianyue feel valued.

"This feeling is a remnant picture." After saying this very seriously, Ye Qianyue can be sure that she will never admit this feeling wrong!
And just when Ye Qianyue realized that there was a residual picture on the folding fan, the group of people in red robes had already discussed everything with the stall owner and bought the fan with a lot of money.

"Do you want to catch up and take a look?" Si Linyuan knew that Ye Qianyue's perception of Remnant Map was always correct, so he asked this question immediately.

"These people are not simple people. Let's stay put and see if these people will participate in the Taikoo Auction." Ye Qianyue thought for a while, and then said softly.

Hearing this, Si Linyuan and Mingxiu both nodded in agreement, then turned around and strode away.


That night, just as Ye Qianyue and the others expected, everyone in Situ's family stayed in the inn, verifying whether the fragments of pictures they bought were real or not.

The method of verification is very simple. If the two real maps are pasted together, there will be a strange energy resonance, and if they are fake, the mysterious power generated by the real map will shake the fake map into nothingness. .

At this moment, all the members of the Situ family were looking at the fragments of the map in front of them with dark faces.

Almost on the verge of collapse, Situ Lingting looked at the fragments of the map, and his heart ached even more than killing him.

"How come it's all fake!!" Situ Lingting stared, and yelled angrily through gritted teeth.

"Well, these maps obviously look exactly the same, they are all so old, how could it be untrue!" Great Elder Situ Ye also blew his beard and stared in distress, and almost passed out directly from the heartache!

My God, how could this be, these humble maps really cost a lot of money to buy!
At first, I thought that at least one of them would be real, but who would have thought that they spent so much money and took out so many treasures, but what they got in exchange were all these completely useless things! !
Holding a bad breath in their chests, Situ Lingting and the others waited for a long time before finally recovering.

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly. The few people present really didn't expect that they would lose everything like this!

Situ Lingting was the first to react.

I saw that Situ Lingting was like a fish out of water, gasping for breath twice, and then finally recovered, "Forget it, the matter has reached this point, and it is too late for us to regret it, we can only do it again A lot of wasted money was spent.”

(End of this chapter)

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