The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 895 That's all, I'm not sure

Chapter 895 That's all, I'm not sure

"Bold, what are you guys? Our young lady is the eldest lady of the Shui family! The energy of the three elements has been there since she was a child. Where did the instability come from? I think you are nothing but nonsense!" He said this viciously, and then stared at the guards.

"This is the result of the test ball. If you feel that it is not accurate enough, you can directly conduct an accurate test." The guard said with a business-like face, and refused to back down even if he said anything.

"Miss, let's just pass this test, and keep these people's mouths shut!" The maid hurriedly turned her head and looked at the woman with a cold face.

After hearing this, Shui Yinyin's cold eyes glowed with an imperceptible light, then she nodded lightly, "Then, let's try."

The two maids who followed Shui Yinyin nodded excitedly after hearing what she said, and they didn't even forget to glare at the guards.

Don't mind the white eyes of the maids, the guards quickly prepared a series of things for the test.

It is said to be a test, but it is actually just asking the tester to do some more sophisticated energy control.

This kind of test does not consume a lot of energy, but requires a lot of precision to be really successful.

Of course, as long as it is a person who can completely control the attribute energy, it is not difficult to complete the test easily.

Although Shui Yinyin's face was calm, but there was a faint cautious light in her eyes, which immediately attracted the attention of Ye Qianyue over there.

Raising her brows high, Ye Qianyue didn't make a sound, watching Shui Yinyin stimulate the water system energy in her body first.

The energy passes through the slender tube, condenses into various shapes, and finally is finely drawn into a slender strip. After passing through the needle eye made of special materials, it is considered complete.

The series of actions were completed extremely quickly, which shows that Shui Yinyin has perfectly grasped the energy of the water system.

Afterwards, Shui Yinyin activated the wind energy in her body.

It is still the above series of tests, and this time it is also very successful.

However, after the two kinds of energy penetrated through, Shui Yinyin stopped.

Without going on, Shui Yinyin took two deep breaths before she seemed to finally calm down, and began to stimulate the thunder attribute energy in her body.

The movements seemed somewhat slow, every step of Shui Yinyin was very careful.

After successfully completing the first two items, Shui Yinyin's eyes were full of seriousness, and then gradually pulled the irritable thunder energy into long and thin threads.

A trace of cold sweat slowly oozes from the forehead, and just as Shui Yinyin took a deep breath and was about to make a move, a sneer full of sarcasm and contempt came through quickly.

"Hehe, isn't this our dearest elder sister? I didn't expect the elder sister to run outside without losing enough people at home."

Apparently knowing who the owner of the contemptuous voice was, Shui Yinyin's hand trembled, and then the thunder-attribute energy swept out instantly, and instantly shook the eye of the needle into nothingness.

The test was officially declared a failure, Shui Yinyin's face became a little more solemn, and she looked coldly at the owner of the voice.

Not far away, a pair of twin sisters who looked somewhat similar to Shui Yinyin looked at Shui Yinyin coldly with contemptuous smiles on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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