Chapter 896
One could tell at a glance that the relationship between the twins and Shui Yinyin was not good, but Ye Qianyue didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, she just waited quietly.

Her face turned pale, Shui Yinyin gritted her teeth lightly, and then withdrew her hand unwillingly, "Forget it, I'm in danger."

After speaking, Shui Yinyin strode to leave.

Where would Shui Yinyin be given such an opportunity, the twins stopped her.

"Sister, let's be sisters. It's fine if you don't say hello when you see us. Why are you still thinking about running away?" Shui Yang'er still looked at Shui Yinyin with contempt. Shui Yinyin felt as if a spike had landed on her body.

"Sister, let's not embarrass the eldest sister. As a waste who has three energy systems but can't control it well, it is already sad enough. We should stop hitting her." The corner of Shui Yaoer's lips It also evoked a sneer, and looked at Shui Yinyin with raised eyebrows, the sarcasm in his words was also very harsh.

"How can you say that about Missy, she, she is the eldest daughter of the Shui family!" The maid Lu Qing who was following Shui Yinyin was furious, and jumped out all of a sudden, wanting to defend Shui Yinyin.

After sweeping Liqing coldly, Shui Yaoer snorted coldly, then flew up a palm, and slapped Liqing away, "What are you, but a dog following behind Shui Yinyin, who actually Dare to be presumptuous between the two of us!"

Where is Shui Yaoer's opponent, Lu Qing was knocked down by a slap, struggled for a long time, but couldn't get up.

"Lu Qing!" Hurriedly supporting Lu Qing who fell on the ground, Shui Yin Yin gritted her teeth, then glared at Shui Yang'er and the two of them angrily, "You two, don't go too far!"

"Hmph, so what if you're too much, you're just a trash, you can't stand on the stage at all." Saying that, Shui Yang'er snorted proudly, "Eldest sister, why don't you let me demonstrate to you a trash, what is real?" The three-line attribute."

Feeling extremely humiliated, Shui Yinyin didn't want to see Shui Yang'er showing off to her at all, she wanted to avoid it, but was pressed down forcefully by Shui Yaoer.

"Eldest sister, why are you leaving in such a hurry? It's not too late to leave after reading it! After the second sister passes the test, maybe you can still enjoy the glory and go up the mountain with us!" Shui Yaoer also had a proud face, coldly Facing Shui Yinyin coldly, she raised the corners of her lips.

The feeling of humiliation quickly spread in the bottom of her heart, Shui Yinyin only felt that her dignity was completely trampled under her feet, and then was ruthlessly trampled on.

Seeing Shui Yinyin like this, Shui Yang'er was incomparably proud. Seeing that the guards had replaced the new test tools, she looked at Shui Yinyin triumphantly, "Sister, you must take care of it, only Only after watching my demonstration carefully can you know how rubbish you are!"

However, before Shui Yang'er started, a plain white hand stretched out straight out, and then directly clasped her wrist.

"Hmm...!" Su Bai's palm was carved out of jade, it looked harmless, but it still hurt a lot when he clasped his wrist fiercely.

Can't help frowning fiercely, Shui Yang'er turned her head suddenly with a bit of impatience on her face, and suddenly bumped into Ye Qianyue's ancient and calm eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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