Chapter 904 Terrible Appeal

"Well, miss first." Shui Yinyin was very polite, and immediately followed Ye Qianyue quietly, and left the hall.

Because the time to get the entry card was relatively late, Ye Qianyue and Ye Qianyue were both in the final ring.

It's all because of seeing the strength of Qianyue overnight, and for a moment, everyone's nervous eyes are on Qianyue Ye.

The last person in the ring saw Ye Qianyue walking towards them, and felt a little startled for a while, watching Ye Qianyue enter the ring and stand in front of them with sweaty palms.

A dense layer of cold sweat broke out in the palms of the hands, and the people in the last ring were all very nervous, and all aimed at Ye Qianyue.

In an instant, he felt everyone's eyes full of ferocious murderous aura, sweeping towards him in unison, and a layer of goose bumps suddenly appeared on Shui Yinyin's back.

To be stared at by so many people with such dangerous eyes all of a sudden, anyone would feel horrified.

"Yinyin." Ye Qianyue looked puzzled and frowned when she saw that everyone turned their finger on her. "Do I look like I need to be beaten? Why do these people think of dealing with them first every time they fight?" I?"

With a puff, Ye Qianyue made her laugh, and Shui Yinyin said with a smile, "It's because Miss Qianyue is so powerful that these people are so afraid of you."

Hearing that, Ye Qianyue's lips seemed to have a slight smile, "Since they like me so much and turned their blame on me, then I will naturally repay them."

Not afraid of these people at all, the corners of Ye Qianyue's lips always evoked a calm smile.

I just feel that Ye Qianyue's eyes look very bright at this moment, making the other contestants in the ring swallow uneasily.

As for the other people on the ring, seeing that Ye Qianyue didn't walk towards them, they all heaved a sigh of relief, and then cast a pitiful look at the other people on the ring.

At this moment, the eyes of most of the elders of the Mo family also fell on Ye Qianyue, looking at her tentatively.

Having figured out Ye Qianyue's identity, what everyone in the Mo family wants to know is why Ye Qianyue came to participate in this competition.

Ye Qianyue's strength and background are not weak, and the strength of Shura City behind her is astonishingly strong, not to mention that her own father is still that Ling Zhantian!
There is no one on the mainland who doesn't know Ling Zhantian, let alone Floating Island!
Although Ling Zhantian has always liked to go it alone, but he is a very upright person, so many families in Lingyun Continent are willing to make friends with him, and even try to win him over in different ways. Was rejected by him.

However, everyone knows that as long as Ling Zhantian opens his mouth, there must be countless terrifying forces, in order to win his favor, they will go through fire and water for him.

It seemed that Ling Zhantian was born with such a terrifying charisma.

Besides Shura City, the current Shura City has ruled the entire floating island, such a huge strength is not easy to provoke.

The Floating Island is able to be willing to disputes on the mainland, it depends on nothing else, it is the strength against the sky!
How can such a powerful force that can subvert the rules of the mainland not be scary!

Compared to Ye Qianyue, the Mo family is just a hermit family, let alone a huge force.

 Ask for tickets, ask for rewards, all kinds of begging

(End of this chapter)

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