The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 905 It's Absolutely Disgusting

Chapter 905 It's Absolutely Disgusting
With such a terrifying force behind him, and Ye Qianyue's own strength is not low, such a person will not come to the Beast Tamer Conference held by their Mo family for no purpose at all.

I always feel that there must be a source for this, and everyone in the Mo family quickly thought of the fragmented picture.

Ye Qianyue and so many forces and families are all involved to a certain extent, maybe I have seen that residual picture...

Thinking of this, everyone in the Mohist family cheered up, waiting for Ye Qianyue's next move with anticipation.

"The game officially begins!"

With an order, everyone fell into a fierce battle in full swing in an instant!

All kinds of thoughts rose up in an instant, and there were 47 arenas in total. Only the people on the arena where Ye Qianyue was, hadn't made a move for a while.

There was a cautious look on the face, and everyone on the ring was on alert, watching Ye Qianyue over there coldly.

Every move can attract the vigilance of these people, Ye Qianyue's eyes are faint, and there is a faint smile on the corners of her lips all the time.

Obviously, she has become the target of everyone.

The smile on the corner of her mouth was still cold and indifferent, and Ye Qianyue's light gaze slowly swept across everyone's faces.

Immediately, the eyes swept over lightly, and the goosebumps on the backs of everyone who could be provoked completely stood up.

"Hurry up if you want to make a move, I'm in a hurry." Ye Qianyue said in a slow tone, and there was a hint of carelessness in those dark eyes.

Contempt, this is absolute contempt!

Soon a flame of anger rose in the heart, and everyone was anxious!
There are so many of them gathered together, staring at each other, but they can't arouse Ye Qianyue's vigilance and uneasiness!
Such arrogance is really frivolous!
And just after Ye Qianyue's words fell, a man suddenly heard a cold snort from the crowd, "Miss Ye's tone is not small, and she is not afraid of the wind flashing her tongue."

Hearing this, a handsome man with a soft face and a haze under his eyes slowly walked out of the crowd.

His appearance seemed somewhat feminine, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of the man's lips, adding a cold bloodthirsty aura to his femininity.

The man's complexion was as pale as paper, but his lips were differently bright red, as if painted with blood-red lip balm, and his eyes were also an enchanting blood color, with bits of streamer constantly flowing in them, making his eyes look like It was as ferocious as blood condensed!

Looking at the man faintly, Ye Qianyue was almost vomited by the bloody smell coming from this guy!

I don't know if it's because the bloody smell is too strong and has been settled for too long, Ye Qianyue can almost smell a smell like rotten flesh from the bloody smell.

The man seemed to deliberately want to cover up the smell of blood, but he couldn't hide it from others, but he couldn't hide it from Ye Qianyue.

However, this unpleasant smell is really unflattering.

I really don't know why this man has such a disgusting smell, Ye Qianyue couldn't help frowning, and slowly stepped back two steps.

This smell is simply too disgusting.

He didn't know that Ye Qianyue took two steps back towards him because of the disgusting smell on his body, and the man proudly thought that Ye Qianyue was afraid of him!

(End of this chapter)

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