The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 913 It's Not Useful at All

Chapter 913 It's Not Useful at All

Therefore, when taming in groups, generally the stronger person will take the initiative to give some benefits, and let the weaker person give up the opportunity to himself.

Therefore, although those weak people cannot win, they are not at a loss.

As for Ye Qianyue's group, Shui Yinyin must have made the sacrifice, and as if to verify what everyone thought, Shui Yinyin did not bring out any monsters, and came directly empty-handed.

As for Ye Qianyue, everyone saw that she was just holding a small black cat in her hand, and their expressions for a moment were very wonderfully made up.

There was no powerful aura emanating from his body, and Xiao Hei just nestled quietly in Ye Fei's arms.

It's just a black cat, such a weak monster is useless at all!
The heart that had been hanging all this time was let go at this moment, and everyone's eyes were filled with strong disdain.

They were particularly worried that Ye Qianyue would subdue the arrogant thunder beast in the Yin Mountain, and then kill them all instantly, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

In other words, Ye Qianyue's strength is against the sky, but it can't prove that her taming ability is also against the sky!
Thinking of this, everyone's expressions changed from tense at the beginning to infinite sarcasm.

She could clearly feel the eyes of everyone cast on her, but the corner of Ye Qianyue's lips only evoked a cold smile.

It's just a group of people who can only judge strength by their appearance, she doesn't need to care about these people at all.

"Everyone, three days have passed, and we will select a total of ten groups to enter the final round!" Mo Cheng amplified his voice countless times with his thoughts, so that it could be heard clearly throughout the square, "This time, we are comparing the deterrence of the monsters. Whoever obeys the master's words the most and can deter other monsters will be considered the strongest!"

After hearing Mo Cheng's words, the throats of the people below burst out with a burst of applause, each of them gearing up and showing great excitement.

All the monsters quickly gathered together, except for those who did not subdue the monsters, there were still three hundred of them!

Among them, there are a few behemoths that look extraordinarily mighty, especially the pair of phoenix phoenix birds owned by Shui Yang'er, they are simply majestic.

He was so proud that he almost raised his chin to the sky, Shui Yang'er and Shui Yao'er were very proud.

There were [-] monsters, and some of the weak monsters inside were scared to pee the moment they saw the powerful monsters. They wailed and ran away quickly, regardless of their masters, and disappeared in an instant.

In the end, there were less than [-] of the [-] monsters left.

The stronger the monster, the purer its bloodline.

This kind of coercion on the bloodline is irresistible to any Warcraft. The fear of the strong will make them desperate and just want to run away!

Knowing that there is nothing wrong with the monsters escaping, those people can only accept their fate and withdraw from this competition, all counting on the people in the same group as them to be able to compete.

However, after those people retreated, everyone was surprised to find that Ye Qianyue was still standing there.

From the beginning to the end of the meditation, she nestled quietly in Ye Qianyue's arms, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and she didn't seem to be afraid of these monsters at all.

(End of this chapter)

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