Chapter 914 It's Really Thriller

Compared with those fleeing monsters, Meditation is very calm, and even lazily yawned, it was not affected by the blood pressure of any monsters!

This, this is really strange!

In the eyes of everyone, Mingxiu is undoubtedly the weakest and most vulnerable monster in the audience, but why can it be so calm?
And just when everyone was puzzled, Shui Yinyin also started calling.

I saw that when Shui Yinyin called, the energy between the heaven and the earth produced huge fluctuations, and everyone couldn't help showing expressions of astonishment.

I saw ferocious thunder and lightning quickly diffused from her body, and then the power of the spirit came out majesticly, and the summoning circle containing terrifying energy also appeared at her feet.

And the moment the summoning formation appeared, all the monsters present outside of meditation felt a breath that made them feel terrified, and then all of them widened their eyes, with full horror, seeing the terrifying breath The Pride Thunder Beast was summoned by Shui Yinyin.

"Roar!" A ferocious roar erupted from the throat, and the Thunder Beast glanced coldly at the surrounding monsters, and squeezed out a sentence from the gap between its teeth, "All the monsters present, give me all of them!" Surrender to me!"

A sound like thunder suddenly exploded, and before all the beast tamers present could react, the monsters they tamed fell to their knees in unison according to the order of the arrogant thunder beast!
Rather than saying yes and kneeling on the ground, it is better to say surrender.

The forehead is pressed against the ground, this is an absolute surrender action in World of Warcraft!

The monsters surrendered in unison. Such a spectacle is really rare. For a moment, everyone present felt incomparably astonished, and then looked at the proud Thunder Beast wagging its tail in disbelief.

This is the feeling of being loved by all other monsters, and the Thunder Beast really feels this way, it's so cool!

"Look! Isn't this the king of all monsters in Yinshan, the Thunder Beast!?"

"My God, it's really true, no wonder these monsters are obedient and surrender!"

"That's right, I heard that the Patriarch of the Mo family originally wanted to catch this arrogant thunder beast, but he failed in the end!"

Having said that, the eyes of everyone present were filled with admiration, and they stared straight at Shui Yinyin over there.

Seeing that the Phoenix Luanniao he subdued also surrendered at the feet of the Jiao Lei Beast, Shui Yang'er was so angry that he was going crazy!
They couldn't understand at all, how could Shui Yinyin, who was still such a waste before, be able to subdue such a powerful monster all of a sudden? !
However, before the Pride Thunder Beast could be complacent for too long, it clearly felt a cold gaze slowly falling on it.

"It seems that you are very proud." Although it is in the form of a black cat, the voice of meditation is still so cold, and it seems to be a little careless, which makes the arrogant thunder beast tremble twice. Then there was a low roar from his throat, and he knelt down at the feet of Mingxiu in an absolutely surrendering posture like the other monsters present.

If it was said that the Thunder Beast summoned by Shui Yinyin surprised everyone, then seeing this, everyone felt horrified!
Yes, it is indeed a horror!

(End of this chapter)

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