Chapter 915 Hurry Up

It's so strange that such a huge monster like the Thunder Beast led all the high-level monsters present, and showed a gesture of surrender to a little black cat!

No matter what those humans think of him, what the arrogant thunder beast thinks of is that it must not annoy Mingxiu, otherwise, its life will be miserable again.

Seemingly satisfied with the reaction of these monsters, Mingxiu shook his tail lightly, but he didn't intend to wake up these monsters.

Mingxiu disagreed, even though these monsters had been kneeling here, they didn't dare to move around easily.

How can he tolerate the arrogant monsters he subdued to kneel at the feet of Mingxiu? Many beast trainers are kind and powerful, and want to make their monsters stand up.

But no matter how hard these beast trainers tried, each of those monsters seemed to be determined, and they refused to move at all. They were indeed more determined than one!
"Afeng, Aluan, get up quickly!" Shuiyang'er and the two of them were also very anxious, they really didn't want to see the magical beast they should be proud of, just kneeling at the feet of a little black cat.

However, Feng Luanniao, who was so docile to them just now, saw that the two men were going to pull them up directly, and instantly became angry. There was an angry hissing sound in his throat, and then his wings swung down heavily, almost knocking Shui Yang'er away. The two were thrown out!

Both of them were directly thrown to the ground by the strong wind, and sat on the ground with their buttocks in pain.

Looking at the two phoenix birds in astonishment, Shui Yang'er and the others were completely shocked!
I think that only when the monster encounters other terrifying monsters will it make such an action in order to save its life.

However, in the eyes of Shui Yang'er and the others, meditation is just a little black cat, it's not worth it at all!

Moreover, these two phoenix phoenix birds were supposed to be very docile, but because of fear, they attacked the two sisters!
Seeing this, Ye Qianyue looked at the magical beast that surrendered to the ground, and quickly smiled at Mo Cheng over there, "Master Mo, I think you can declare the victory."

He also didn't see such a spectacle of monsters surrendering. Mo Cheng, who was originally sluggish, nodded hastily after hearing Ye Qianyue's words, "Yes, yes, No. 1 to enter the final is Miss Ye Qianyue, No. .2 is Miss Shuiyinyin, No.3..."

I don’t know who No.3 announced is better. Before Mo Cheng could tell which monster was stronger just now, the Thunder Beast jumped out. Later, when Mingxiu appeared again, all the monsters followed suit. It's really hard to choose.

"Mingxiu, it's enough to deter until here." Ye Qianyue could see Mo Cheng's embarrassment, so she said softly to Mingxiu.

Naturally, he listened to Ye Qianyue's words, Mingxiu nodded lightly, and then said, "Okay, you all get up."

With the permission of meditation, the Thunder Beast finally stood up after taking a cautious look at him.

Seeing that the Pride Thunder Beast also withdrew its coercion, monsters like Fengluanniao dared to stand up.

According to the order in which the monsters rose up, one could tell which of them had the highest deterrence. Mo Cheng quickly reported the names of the other monsters following the arrogant thunder beast.

There are a total of ten groups, a total of twenty people, and now they are all selected.

(End of this chapter)

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