The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 925 Would rather kill by mistake 1

Chapter 925

The energy spread out like ripples, and then the light on the map also bloomed accordingly.

Amidst the dazzling light, several clear light and shadows also diffused out.

Seeing the appearance of those lights and shadows, Ye Qianyue's eyes couldn't help being filled with a bit of astonishment.

I saw the shadows formed by the three rays of light floating steadily on the map, and they were three buildings in the underground palace.

Every underground palace looks very complicated and complicated, and it is enough to make people feel frightened just by looking at it.

"The Tomb of the Gods...?" After finally putting together the map, Ye Qianyue felt a little excited at this moment.

God, that is the peerless powerhouse who created the Lingyun Continent and the Canghe Continent. It is said that in his tomb, there is a magical power that can rule the two continents in one fell swoop!

This kind of power is enough to make everyone crazy!

Even Ye Qianyue herself couldn't resist such an infinite temptation!

Everyone present was extremely excited, and then looked at the floating underground palace.

"How come there are three places?" Looking at the three underground palaces floating above the map, Si Linyuan was a little puzzled, "There should be only one tomb of the gods, but now three suddenly popped up, It's so weird."

"That's right, and on the route map of this map, a total of three places are marked separately." On the map, there are a total of three places marked with the location of the tomb of the gods. Seeing this, Ye Qianyue couldn't help frowning, Looking at Beigong Huoyin, "Beigong, what's going on?"

"I don't know either." For example, Beigong Huoyin saw a complete map for the first time. "Although it is also the first time I see a map, I also know that there is only one real underground palace."

"That's easy." Meditation also turned into a human form, and his golden eyes slowly swept across, "It's easy to judge. Of the three underground palaces, only one is real. As for the remaining two I'm afraid it's all a trap."

"Even if we know this clearly, we don't know which one is true and which two are false." Si Linyuan's words contained a trace of inherent arrogance, "Since we don't know, then we It cannot be decided or judged lightly."

"Yes, as the saying goes, it is better to kill a hundred by mistake than to let one go." Ye Qianyue also narrowed her eyes sharply, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Things have come to this point, it is no longer a simple solution,

Each of these three underground palaces may be real, and each of them may also be fake.

This is obviously a blindfold method. They want to use this method to make Ye Qianyue and the others retreat.

"If that's the case, shouldn't it be enough for us to go to every underground palace?" Mo Ning looked at the three underground palaces and said seriously.

"Each of these three underground palaces contains great danger. We may be waiting for death, so we must act cautiously." Ye Qianyue said this, looking at the three underground palaces. The light and shadow model fell into contemplation for a while, "The one I chose at the beginning is completely pleasing to the eye. I think everyone should vote to decide which underground palace to go to first, and then we will start when we are ready."

(End of this chapter)

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