Chapter 926 Am I formidable?
"Any one is fine, anyway, we can't just sit here and wait for death." Killing Qi also faintly floated out of Ye Qianyue's scepter space at this moment.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Seeing Shi Qi's thoughtful expression, Ye Qianyue asked softly.

"En? Let the old man take a look." Shi Qi carefully looked at the three underground palaces, and then he didn't know where the confidence came from. He directly raised his finger and poked one of them, and said briskly, "Let it be!"

Seeing Shi Qi's confident expression, Mo Ning was stunned, "How do you know it's this?"

"I don't know if it's true, but I just see that this underground palace is the closest to us, so I think going here is the fastest." Killing Seven said, and spread his palms casually.

Immediately speechless to Kill Seven, Mo Ning said in his heart that this soul body is too meaningless!

As if aware of Mo Ning's dissatisfaction, Shi Qi raised his eyebrows at Mo Ning, "Why, do you have a better way?"

Indeed no, Mo Ning was provoked by Killing Seven, she had no choice but to grit her teeth, and then forced out two words, "No!"

"Then it's over, young people still need to listen more to what the old people say." There was a little smile in Shi Qi's emerald eyes, and then turned to look at Ye Qianyue, "Girl, what do you think?"

"Indeed, anyway, we don't have any better solution now." After saying this lightly, Ye Qianyue looked at the underground palace closest to them, and nodded slowly, "Anyway, we don't know what to do now." There is no other choice, or this is it.”

There was indeed no more reliable way, and everyone nodded in agreement at the moment.

"Since we have put on a cover-up, no matter whether the underground palace is real or not, the danger in it will not be less." Si Linyuan had a trace of caution and seriousness on his face, "Our this time Adventures undoubtedly involve many dangers, and in order to have a better chance of winning, everyone must maintain their most powerful strength before setting off, and they must not be careless."

Si Linyuan's words were undoubtedly a wake-up call, making the already tense strings in everyone's hearts even tighter.

They all nodded solemnly at the moment, and everyone obviously knew the seriousness of the problem.

"Okay, now that the decision has been made, everyone might as well go back to your room first, and practice in seclusion. If you can increase your strength, you may be able to save your life by then." Ye Qianyue also said slowly Said such a sentence.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, everyone present nodded again and again, and then quickly dispersed.

Seeing that everyone went back to her room, Ye Qianyue was thinking about improving her strength, but she saw that Si Linyuan who had walked out of the room turned back.

The dark eyes suddenly lit up, Ye Qianyue's lips curled into a bright smile, and she threw herself directly into Si Linyuan's arms, "Am I fierce?"

Knowing that Ye Qianyue was talking about the beast taming competition, Si Linyuan pampered her, hugged her to the side of the soft couch and sat down, "My Ah Yue is naturally the most powerful."

After hearing Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue immediately showed a satisfied smile.

 There will be an update around 08:30 in the evening~ Dear friends, remember to watch~~
(End of this chapter)

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