Chapter 927

"You've worked hard, baby." As she said, Ye Qianyue lowered her eyes very gently, and raised her hand to gently stroke her lower abdomen.

Her and Si Linyuan's child was conceived here, just thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's eyes couldn't help but a little bit of tenderness appeared.

The fact that she had her and Si Linyuan's child in her womb made Ye Qianyue feel extremely happy.

"The baby has experienced strong winds and waves before it was born. This is something other babies can't ask for." Si Linyuan's golden eyes contained a hint of emotion. He gently stretched out his hand and hugged it domineeringly and firmly. Ye Qianyue's soft waist.

Facing the fiery eyes of her boss Lin Yuan, Ye Qianyue's eyes trembled slightly, and then the corners of her lips evoked a bright smile.

The bright and charming smile immediately made Si Linyuan's eyes darken a bit, and then he lifted Ye Qianyue's chin without hesitation, and kissed it heavily.

The lingering kiss almost swallowed Ye Qianyue. Both of them were emotionally moved, wishing that the other party would rub into their bodies as hard as they could.

Almost swallowed by Si Linyuan's fiery kiss, Ye Qianyue's eyes were blurred, a thin layer of water mist shrouded her pitch-black eyes, like finely broken glass, emitting a lovely light.

"Ah Yue..." Seeing Ye Qianyue's expression like this, Si Linyuan's throat tightened, and then the fiery kiss fell again, and it fell on Ye Qianyue's neck thinly and tightly, making Ye Qianyue hot Qian Yue couldn't help trembling slightly.

But when Si Linyuan's big hand touched Ye Qianyue's waist, Ye Qianyue stopped Si Linyuan by relying on what little reason she had left, "Linyuan, not now."

Knowing that Si Linyuan endured discomfort, Ye Qianyue was very reluctant, but she had no choice but to rub Si Linyuan apologetically, "The baby is still young, we have to restrain ourselves."

Frowning instantly, Si Linyuan met Ye Qianyue's apologetic and helpless eyes, and could only let out a long sigh, "This little thing in your belly is really going to torture me to death. gone."

The feeling of being unable to do anything while the woman I love is by my side is really not an ordinary torment.

Seeing the resentment on Si Linyuan's face, Ye Qianyue nestled in Si Linyuan's arms obediently, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "Linyuan, I can conceive your child , I'm really happy."

Saying that, Ye Qianyue's face was gentle, and she gently raised her hand, stroking her flat belly.

Her belly was pregnant with her and Si Linyuan's child, and this child was the proof of their relationship, which made her feel extremely happy.

"Me too, Ah Yue, you don't know how happy I am." Si Linyuan said sincerely with a gentle face on his face.

"Speaking of which, Lin Yuan, do you like boys or girls?" Suddenly thinking of this question, Ye Qianyue raised her head curiously, looked at Si Linyuan and asked.

"As long as it's me and your child, I like it no matter if it's male or female." After touching Ye Qianyue's soft long hair, Si Linyuan's deep voice was like intoxicating fine wine, "You have worked so hard for so long , you should be tired too, why don't you take a good rest first."

"En." After listening to Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue nodded lightly, and then obediently closed her eyes.

 Concubine's health is not good recently, the baby is a month old, and the code words are a bit difficult, so the update has not been stable these days, I would like to apologize to everyone here.

  Concubine will resume updating tomorrow, I hope you will continue to support Concubine~~I love you~~
  PS: Our Xiaoyue'er is about to have a baby~~ Hey hey, do you like boys or girls?
(End of this chapter)

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