Chapter 929 The Barren Mountains
The need is just an opportunity, Ye Qianyue can be sure that as long as she spends a few days, her strength will increase by leaps and bounds, and even directly break through the level of Emperor Niantian, reaching at least the level of the first manifested soul!Or reach higher!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath, then calmed down, and began to practice with peace of mind.

The mind power in the body has accumulated a lot, and along with the strong energy in Jin Ren Dan, it quickly broke through the Nian Sheng barrier, making Ye Qianyue successfully become a strong man at the level of Nian Tian Di.

The practice did not end so simply, Ye Qianyue continued, constantly condensing the thought power in her body more solidly, and then slowly made her strength stronger.

Time passed slowly like this, and when Ye Qianyue opened her eyes again, it was already five days later.

Letting out a long breath of turbid air, Ye Qianyue's eyes were mixed with fire and pink light dancing with each other, which seemed somewhat magical.

The originally strong aura has grown exponentially at this moment, and Ye Qianyue's strength has stabilized at the stage of deep thoughts and souls!

With a satisfied smile on her face, Ye Qianyue immediately left the bed and opened the door of her room.

"Miss Ye, you're out!" With a bright smile on his face, Mo Ning walked to Ye Qianyue's side in three steps at a time.

Feeling the strong aura around Ye Qianyue, Mo Ning showed a surprised expression on his face, "Miss Ye, your strength has grown so fast!"

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue just smiled lightly.

I think she should have this level of strength in the first place, but it's just because she really can't find the strength to break through the barriers between each level on weekdays, so it seems that her strength is not high.

"Is everyone ready to go to the underground palace?" Ye Qianyue asked softly, knowing that she had been wasted a lot of time in this practice.

"It's already been prepared, and I'm just waiting for Miss Ye to leave the customs!" Mo Ning still had an expression of admiration, staring straight at Ye Qianyue.

Also as a woman, it is really hard for Mo Ning not to worship someone like Ye Qianyue.

As Mo Ning said, everyone has already prepared everything early and just waited to set off directly.

Naturally, they would not continue to waste time. Ye Qianyue and his party did not continue to waste time, and set off directly.

Located on the huge mountain range of the barren mountain, the mountain range in front of you twists and turns, like a giant dragon winding and entrenched, and the direction where the dragon head is located is the barren mountain where the underground palace is located.

There is a reason why the barren mountain is called the barren mountain.

I saw a stretch of loess far away on the barren mountain, and there was no grass growing on the entire mountain, let alone any birds and beasts that could survive here.

The entire mountain is bare and devoid of vitality, and people can feel a strange desolation just by looking at it.

This kind of sincere desolation feels like tarsal maggots, which makes people have nowhere to hide, but can only be deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves.

"According to what is marked on the map, the first underground palace should be here." Looking at the barren mountain below, Ye Qianyue slightly squinted her eyes, and could almost see from above that the place buried deep in the ground huge dungeon.

(End of this chapter)

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