Chapter 930 Human Energy Crystal
As the most outstanding transformation of human beings in her previous life, this precise calculation method has been deeply embedded in Ye Qianyue's mind. She can use her own calculations to enlarge the light and shadow model of the entire underground palace and then insert it.

To be able to do all of this with almost perfect accuracy is undoubtedly a powerful skill for Ye Qianyue.

Eyes swept quickly, and Ye Qianyue's sure look made everyone present nod repeatedly, without doubting her judgment at all.

If someone else said something that was close to the Arabian Nights, everyone would definitely sneer and dismiss it, but Ye Qianyue is not an ordinary person, she is so powerful, with rich surprises and strengths as her solid backing, That's why everyone believed her judgment.

Now that the judgment has been made, everyone naturally discussed how to enter the underground palace without any hesitation.

"Girl, since you can see the appearance of the underground palace, you should also know where the entrance of the underground palace is?" Killing Seven couldn't wait to emerge from the space of the scepter, and then looked excited and serious. He stared at Ye Qianyue and asked.

Sweeping her gaze lightly, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes slightly, then made a little judgment, stretched out her hand directly, and pointed to the place at the dragon's mouth of the mountain range, "There, the entrance to the underground palace is right there. There."

Seeing Ye Qianyue's confirmation, the smiles on everyone's faces deepened immediately, and they almost couldn't wait to move towards the entrance over there.

I saw a cave that was only half the height of a person, as if it had been carefully blocked, and even the gaps were sealed with mud, so that no gaps were exposed.

"This barren mountain has always been uninhabited. Everyone says it's weird. There have even been times when a strong Niansheng lost his way on this barren mountain and never went back, so most people are very afraid of it. Here, I dare not approach here at all.”

"Yes, it's a place that no one dares to approach. Then who sealed the entrance of this cave with stones and mud?" There was a different kind of light in Si Linyuan's gilt eyes. There was even a hint of deep coldness in the corner of the smile, "Besides, the stones and soil that sealed this cave are not ordinary things."

Before Si Linyuan realized what Si Linyuan meant, everyone watched Si Linyuan raise his hand, and a thick layer of thought power was condensed on the fingertips.

Immediately, he raised his hand and flicked it, and the strong thought force rushed out of the palm of his hand, and then hit the stone on that side fiercely.

At that moment, there was only a clear muffled sound, and the thought power that could have directly blasted the entire cave entrance was only crushed a rock no bigger than a fingertip.

The stone flew up, and the moment it fell to the ground, there was a dull sound, and then disappeared into the air in an instant.

"Sure enough, it's not an ordinary stone." Mingxiu thought of the way the stone fell to the ground and disappeared into an invisible form just now, and his face suddenly became a little more serious. Rather than saying that this thing is a stone, it is better to say that it is an energy crystallization. "

"That's right, and it's still an energy crystal condensed from the energy of the human body." Speaking of this, Ye Qianyue's face also added a bit of solemnity.

"Miss Ye, what do you mean by that?"

(End of this chapter)

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