Chapter 931
But now I really don't understand, Mo Ning blinked curiously.

As soon as Mo Ning asked this sentence, the three elders of the Mo family directly reached out to stop her, and they also looked a little ugly.

Taking a deep breath, the great elder of the Mo family said heavily, "If you want to condense into energy crystals, you need a very strong force, and some strong people have very powerful mind power in their bodies, and this kind of person, too. It is very suitable as a raw material for energy crystallization..."

His face turned pale immediately, Mo Ning looked at the inconspicuous stones and soil in shock, and said in disbelief, "You, what do you mean to say, the stones blocking the entrance of the cave were made with the help of a strong man?" Corpse condensed?!"

Looking at Mo Ning's shocked look, the elders of the Mo family didn't speak, obviously acquiescing.

Never thought that there would be such a terrible thing, Mo Ning was completely shocked.

Seeing Mo Ning like this, Beigong Huoyin smiled softly, "To condense into such a solid energy crystal, the amount of power required is frightening. Afterwards, the mind power in the body will still be greatly reduced, so I think this crystal is not formed by condensing the corpses of some dead people at all, but by refining living strong human beings into countless crystals, and then piled up here."

"What?! It's actually condensing living human beings into energy crystals?!" Mo Ning was completely shocked, and immediately shouted unacceptably, "This is too insane!"

Disregarding the lives of others, directly condensing living humans into energy spars, such a terrible thing is simply appalling!

"Didn't Ms. Mo Ning say just now that a Nianzong expert came here? I think this energy crystallization was formed by that Niansheng expert." After saying this slowly, Ye Qian Moon's eyes were constantly flickering with a little bit of streamer.

Looking at Mo Ning's pale face, Ye Qianyue can actually completely understand Mo Ning's feeling of fear and terror at the moment.

Using the body of a living person to refine energy crystals, this method is indeed too appalling.

However, the energy crystals condensed by living people are indeed powerful.

For example, if you want to break the square stone wall in front of you, you need at least a strong person at the level of Nian Tiandi, and you can't completely smash it in one shot, but you need multiple attacks to do it!
The hairs on the back stood on end, Mo Ning never expected that they would encounter such a terrible thing before entering the underground palace!

horrible!It's really terrible!

Seeing Mo Ning's face pale with fright, Shi Qi narrowed his eyes that were as bright as emeralds, and then said with a smile, "Little girl of the Mo family, you haven't entered the underground palace yet, if you are really scared , it is too late to escape now."

With the addition of the Mo family, they will definitely get fewer treasures at that time, so if possible, Shi Qi really wants to tell all the people of the Mo family to leave.

However, when Mo Ning heard Shi Qi's words, she was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head without hesitation, "I'm not afraid, I won't leave no matter what I say!!"

Before she came out, she knew that there were many dangers in the tomb of the gods. Mo Ning would rather die in the underground palace than give up so easily!
 There will be an update after [-] o'clock in the evening~~~
  Ask for a ticket and ask for a reward! ~~All kinds of requests~~
(End of this chapter)

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