Chapter 934

However, Mo Ning's words just reached this point, the rustling sound came quickly, and then in the darkness, there was something faintly, which suddenly rolled into a sharp weapon like a spring, and ruthlessly moved towards Mo Ning stabbed in the back!
The hairs on the back stood on end at this moment, Mo Ning quickly turned her head in astonishment, and met a sharp dark green long thorn straight at her head!
The hairs on the back trembled, Mo Ning trembled all over, it was too late to make a move!
Just when Mo Ning thought that he was going to be directly pierced by the long thorn, a burst of touching flower fragrance swept over quickly, and then a pink and lovely figure stood in front of him in an instant.

"Back off!" Hua Bao's lovely big eyes, a rare bit of displeasure jumped out, as sharp as a scimitar, accompanied by a majestic energy, ruthlessly blasted at the long over the thorn.

The petals, which were completely unable to compete with the long thorn, contained extremely terrifying energy, so they abruptly blocked the long thorn!
A deep light quickly appeared in the pure eyes, Huabao snorted coldly, the sharp energy cut the long thorn fiercely, and let it hit the ground fiercely!

It seemed that something was stimulated, and soon there were bursts of rustling sounds in the air, as if something was gently waving its hands and then moving.

"Mother, it's a bloodthirsty vine!" Seeing the blood-red veins on the dark green leaves of a leaf, Huabao looked at Ye Qian with a little anxiety. Moon yelled.

Hua Bao's words made Ye Qianyue's eyes tremble slightly, and then she snapped her fingers and looked up.

The sound of 'rustling' came continuously, and those vines seemed to have their own consciousness, rubbing against each other constantly, making one sound after another.

In a densely packed large area, countless bloodthirsty vines are constantly twisting, as if they will pounce on them directly in the next second, tearing everyone present at Ye Qianyue to pieces!

The deepness in her eyes suddenly increased a bit, and Ye Qianyue couldn't help showing a cautious expression, "Everyone, be careful, just take care of yourself, and don't let the thorns or leaves of these vines get close to you!"

As a beast trainer, Ye Qianyue knows how tricky it is to be on this bloodthirsty vine!There is a natural neurotoxin in the bloodthirsty vine, which can destroy human blood tissue, so even if the toxin can be untied later, it is very likely to lose a foot or an arm...

Such a price is indeed too high!
"What if, what if you can't resist it?" The third elder of the Mo family is not a real animal trainer. At this moment, he sees so many bloodthirsty vines, and cold sweat oozes from his back.

"If you can't resist, there is only one way to die." Ye Qianyue spit out such a sentence coldly, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but show mercy, a cold look in her eyes was enough to make people tremble!
Hearing this, the third elder of the Mo family was also silent like a cicada, and then became more serious, observing every move of the bloodthirsty vine!
As if lurking enough, the bloodthirsty vines moved slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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