Chapter 935

And with the continuous movement of the bloodthirsty vines, a strange smell of blood soon spread over.

It's not the fresh bloody smell, but the kind of bloody smell that has been slowly brewed after the precipitation and accumulation of time, making people feel a strong sense of unhappiness just by taking a look at it.

The dark eyes suddenly became more vigilant, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes fiercely, and then watched the countless bloodthirsty vines let out an almost sharp cry, and then frantically rushed towards them!

They were all fully prepared, and everyone quickly shook into a ball with the vines.

The number was so large that it was terrifying, and countless vines swept over, with a hint of domineering, as if they wanted to entangle everyone present!
The bloodthirsty vines would not be given such a chance at all, the dragon fire in Si Linyuan's hand jumped out quickly, bringing out an exceptionally hot aura, and jumped onto the vines in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough, it wasn't a handful of vines. The bloodthirsty vines lasted nearly a minute in the dragon's fire before finally turning into a cloud of blood-colored mist and disappearing into the air.

The same is true for Ye Qianyue's Phoenix Soul Fire, which shows how fierce this bloodthirsty vine is.

The strength of Ye Qianyue and the others is high after all. Although they also feel that these dense vines are very difficult, they are far from unstoppable.

But here, the situation of the Mo family is not so good!

His strength was only mediocre, and the back of the second elder of the Mo family was soon slashed open by the spikes protruding from the bloodthirsty vine.

"Ah!!" The ferocious blood crazily gushed out from the wound, and there was a bloody smell faintly in the air, which made people frown unbearably.

This smell is really unpleasant!

"Second Elder!" Mo Ning's eyes quickly flashed a sharp color, and then he raised his hand heavily, cutting off the vine directly.

The neurotoxin had diffused out at the fastest speed, and the second elder's complexion turned pale almost instantly, and he couldn't stand up staggeringly.

"Second Elder!" Seeing this, Mo Ning's eyes quickly flashed several colors of astonishment, and then completely ignored other things, and could only support the Second Elder's body first.

The manpower was already insufficient, and now that the second elder had to be cloned, the situation became even more serious!

And just when Mo Ning was thinking quickly about what to do, Ye Qianyue had already solved most of the bloodthirsty vines.

Although bloodthirsty vines are aggressive monsters and don't have much IQ, they do know what danger and death are.

He didn't dare to approach Haoye Qianyue and the others for a while, the only remaining vines gathered in a black cage, frantically rushing towards the Mo family, obviously wanting to put them to death!
Seeing how Mo Ning and the others gritted their teeth and fought against the vines, Ye Qianyue turned her eyes and looked at Si Linyuan over there.

Instantly understood what Ye Qianyue meant, Si Linyuan nodded lightly, and then waved his hand.

The dark red dragon's fire turned into a big net like a fine silk thread, covering the vines from top to bottom in an instant.

The flames spread rapidly, turning into fiery waves!

(End of this chapter)

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