Chapter 936
It was impossible to resist at all, the scorching fire wave spit out a hot breath, and then burned the bloodthirsty vine into nothingness.

Even without time to thank Ye Qianyue and the others, Mo Ning had panic on his face, "Second Elder? Second Elder, wake up!"

It was just convulsions and trembling, the second elder seemed to be unable to hear Mo Ning's words at all, and the whole person looked very weak.

"Don't keep shaking him, let him lie down first." Now that he has already helped, it's better to be a good person to the end.Ye Qianyue thought, she was nosy this time, rightly to accumulate blessings for the baby in her womb.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue immediately took out the medicine bottle in her arms, then quickly poured out some medicine from it, and fed it to the second elder.

After drinking the potion, the Second Elder took two breaths, and then, as if he had finally come to his senses, he took two long breaths, and finally resumed normal breathing.

Knowing that the second elder was saved, everyone in the Mo family heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at Ye Qianyue gratefully, "Thank you, Miss Ye, for your help."

"This time we are all lucky, and next time, we may not all have such good luck." Many things in the future are unknown, and Ye Qianyue will not casually give any hope to the Mo family.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The Mohists still have to rely on their own strength, instead of blindly clinging to Ye Qianyue and his party.

"We all understand what miss means, thank you miss." Mo Ning saw that the second elder's complexion had improved to a certain extent.

Fortunately, it was only a shallow scratch, and the toxin had not penetrated deeply. Otherwise, even with the medicine developed by Ye Qianyue, the Second Elder would not have woken up so quickly.

After a short rest, the Second Elder was able to stand up straight away.

He took two heavy breaths. Although the Second Elder still looked very weak, compared to what he was just now, he was still much better.

Seeing this, everyone in the Mo family breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly helped the second elder to stand up.

Naturally, they couldn't continue to waste time, and everyone quickly started to continue on their way.

Going deeper into the cave, dots of golden light soon came, and then a huge empty space quickly appeared in front of everyone.

From the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, it is all golden, and the golden light fills the air, giving it a strong sense of extravagance.

Although it is extravagant, it is not vulgar, and everything is well matched.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue and the others glanced lightly, becoming more and more curious about everything in front of them.

Sensitively, he first used his spiritual power to investigate here, and everyone didn't find the slightest abnormality.

There is no danger in the open space here, let alone any living creatures.

Surrounded by only a few huge pillars as support, everyone stood in this huge room, but they didn't dare to relax in their hearts.

The vines just took advantage of their unpreparedness. It can be said that they were careless when they were fooled once, but if they were fooled again, they would be completely stupid.

If you don't learn your lesson and are once again taken advantage of by danger, you will deserve it even if you die.

(End of this chapter)

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