Chapter 937
Facing everything around them nervously and vigilantly, Ye Qianyue and his party did not dare to be careless, but they did not feel any danger.

In the empty space, apart from their group, it seemed that there was only air left.

Seeing this, everyone felt very strange. One after another, they all frowned.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so quiet. What's going on?

"Xiaoyue'er, I remember that according to the direction of the underground palace map, there will be four secret doors." Beigong Huoyin looked at Ye Qianyue and asked softly.

The memory is also good, Ye Qianyue looked around, and really quickly found four hidden doors
As shown on the map, these four secret doors have obviously existed for a long time, and there is a faint sense of vicissitudes.

Looking at the secret doors located in four different directions, Ye Qianyue suddenly felt a bit of disobedience.

After carefully observing these secret doors, Ye Qianyue confirmed what she thought in her heart.

"The secret doors given here are different from the secret doors on the underground palace." Ye Qianyue's memory has always been very good, and she promises that she will never remember it wrong.

In her memory, there are indeed four doors here, but each door is intricately painted with the heads of the four holy beasts, unlike the two hidden doors in front of her, which are not behind the bare ones, and there are separate doors. The penetration of different breath.

It's not absolutely dangerous, but it reveals a trace of weirdness from the heart.

Slightly squinting, Ye Qianyue didn't worry about one of the gates today, but walked step by step to where the gate should be.

It happened to deviate from the four gates that appeared now, and all the positions on the underground palace made Ye Qianyue frown slightly.

Stretching out her hand to touch the golden cold wall, Ye Qianyue noticed that these gleaming golden walls were actually a solid barrier. Although it was only a thin layer, it could easily deflect all attacks!

Originally, she couldn't mess around in such a place where she didn't know the details, Ye Qianyue pursed her lips slightly, and then fell into deep thought.

Since the bursting gates did not appear, what is there in the four hidden doors that appeared in front of them now?

Just thinking of this, she couldn't help frowning slightly, Ye Qianyue pondered for a moment, and her eyes gradually moved up.

Staring at the giant dragon that almost occupied the entire roof, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but look at the giant dragon twice more.

The golden dragon in front of him is completely condensed with special spar, and amidst the glittering golden light, there is a faint sense of transparency, which looks quite mysterious.

The carving of the spar giant dragon can be said to be lifelike, and each scale is meticulously carved. Looking up, the majestic and mighty breath rushed out majesticly, making people feel in a trance. It will rush out, and then directly rise to the top of the Nine Layers!
The golden dragon's head is just above the entire space, its mouth is not closed like a normal giant dragon, but tightly closed, its two beards are flying wildly, and the expression on its face is even more majestic and domineering, faintly There is a hint of ferocity in it, but it is just missing, the finishing touch.

(End of this chapter)

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