Chapter 938 There Are No Eyes
"This giant dragon has no eyes." Somewhat surprised, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but look at the giant dragon more.

I saw that the eyes that could best tell the dragon's character and temperament disappeared, and the positions of the two eyes were empty, which looked a bit hideous.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, everyone was also a little curious, and then immediately raised their heads and looked at the dragon in the same way.

I saw that the dragon's eyes were really hollow, because the dragon was too big, the place where the longan was placed was the size of a normal adult man's fist, and even a little bigger.

"Ah Yue, do you want me to take you up there to have a look?" Seeing Ye Qianyue staring at the location of the longan, she was in a trance, Si Linyuan asked immediately.

Naturally, Ye Qianyue nodded immediately, then let Si Linyuan hug her, and headed towards the direction where the longan was.

The fiery red spiritual power wrapped around her body, and both Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan were very careful.

This is one of the three major underground palaces marked on the map. Here, any danger is normal. Every step they take may determine whether they can leave here alive!

This kind of thing that is directly tied to life must be careful and cautious, and no mistakes can be made!

The speed was not fast, Si Linyuan quickly protected Ye Qianyue and arrived at the position of the dragon head.

Looking closely, it makes people feel that this dragon is lifelike, as if it is a real dragon!
It's a pity that there are only two longan missing.

After carefully observing the location of the longan, Ye Qianyue saw that there were two lonely holes there, and the surface of the spar in the holes was also extremely smooth.

It doesn't look like it was forcibly pried off by someone. Either the longan fell off naturally, or it didn't exist in the first place.

From the energy crystallization at the entrance of the cave, it can be seen that no one has ever been to this cave. If this is the case, if the longan is so big and falls on the ground, they will be able to see it as soon as they enter the gate, and there is no need to wait until now.

In this way, there is only the last possibility.

"This giant dragon seems to have never had longan since it was born." Saying this, Ye Qianyue felt even more interesting.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's lips curled up, Mingxiu was also a little curious, "Ah Yue, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I just remembered the story of the finishing touch." Ye Qianyue looked up at the lifelike dragon, "I don't know if this dragon will also have eyes like the story in the finishing touch." After that, it flew straight into the sky and turned into a flying dragon."

"If it can really turn into a flying dragon, that would be a good thing." Beigong Huoyin raised his head, looked at the giant dragon, then narrowed his eyes slightly,
"Dragon monsters are rare."

Although there are many strange monsters in the Lingyun Continent, the monsters of the dragon and phoenix races are also very rare.

"Let's not talk about that, let's go to those secret doors first." Saying this, Ye Qianyue turned her gaze slightly, and immediately looked at Killing Qi.

The hairs on the back stood up, and Shi Qi felt a little uneasy, "You girl, why are you looking at the old man with such an expression?!"

(End of this chapter)

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