Chapter 939
After getting along with Ye Qianyue for a long time, Shi Qi could tell at a glance that Ye Qianyue showed such an expression, it must be nothing good!
Sure enough, the smile on the corner of Ye Qianyue's mouth deepened, and then she patted Shi Qi on the shoulder, "I'll leave the job of finding the way to you."

"You girl, you know how to bully me, a lonely old man!" Shi Qi glared at Ye Qianyue angrily, his tone full of strong complaints.

"I can't help it either, who told you that you are a soul body." She spread her hands helplessly, and Ye Qianyue's lips evoked a bright smile.

Thinking that Shi Qi is a soul body, physical attacks such as hidden weapons will not work on him, so it is perfect to send him out to explore the way.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, although Shi Qi understood Ye Qianyue's meaning, he still snorted coldly, "That's all, I just go!"

Angrily walking towards one of the hidden doors, Shi Qi said plausibly, "Huh, the soul body is really inconvenient. When the old man finds a new body, he must become a human as soon as possible. Let's see how you order me, girl."

Listening to Shi Qi's words, Ye Qianyue also pretended that she didn't hear anything, and the smile on her face was still very harmless.

They all knew that Killing Qi was the most suitable candidate, and everyone present watched as Killing Qi floated into one of the secret doors, and then came back within a few minutes.

"Why are you so fast?" Thought that Killing Seven would be delayed for a while, Mo Ning really didn't expect this guy to be so fast.

Hearing this, Shi Qi spread his hands casually, "I don't want to be so fast, but there is nothing in the secret door, so I have no choice but to come out."

"What? There's nothing in there?!"

In everyone's imagination, there are likely to be many problems hidden in the secret door. How to say, it is impossible to have nothing!
"It's really nothing, it's empty, only a few night pearls." Afraid that everyone wouldn't believe it, Shi Qi said hastily.

"I'm afraid that there is some hidden mechanism in that room, and I used my spiritual power to beat it again, but who knows, there is still nothing."

With an innocent face, Shi Qi naturally wouldn't joke about such things.

"Then go to the next secret door and try it." Ye Qianyue looked at Shi Qi and warned, "There is nothing in one secret door, it doesn't mean the other three are the same, you still have to be careful."

"Well, don't worry, the old man knows it well." Nodding, Shi Qi waved at Ye Qianyue and the others, and then directly entered the next secret door.

This time he came back faster, Shi Qi put on a depressed face, "What is the situation in this underground palace, why is there still nothing?"

It was said that Ye Qianyue and the others were also puzzled, and there was no better way at the moment, but let Shi Qi continue to look at the remaining two rooms.

Going obediently, Shi Qi came back quickly.

Seeing the depression on Shi Qi's face, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but frown, "Still nothing?"

"En." Nodding honestly, Shi Qi couldn't figure it out completely, "What's going on, how could there be nothing in the four hidden doors, could it be that the underground palace is empty?"

(End of this chapter)

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