The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 943 Why Are You Such a Prodigal

Chapter 943 Why Are You Such a Prodigal
But even if they knew it clearly, they had to go there.

Perhaps, this second underground palace is where the tomb of the gods is located!
The tomb of the gods, that is exactly what Ye Qianyue and the others are aiming for this time!

"It's really not a good place." Agreeing with Ye Qianyue's words, Beigong Huoyin smiled slightly, and narrowed her enchanting red eyes, "If we want to go here, we must do everything right. preparation."

"Enjoying life at Bei's house every day is not a perfect preparation." Ye Qianyue gave Beigong Huoyin a faint look.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's complaining words, Beigong Huoyin couldn't help laughing, "Xiaoyue'er, you really wronged me. I didn't keep enjoying life, but I was waiting The Bei family prepares what I need, and just enjoy life along the way."

He said it as a matter of course, Beigong Huoyin is obviously just a simple person, but he still said it with confidence.

However, the Bei family was willing to let Beigong Huoyinlai eat rice here.

One is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure. They are so harmonious, Ye Qianyue naturally can't say anything, let alone say anything,

With a casual and calm face, Beigong Huoyin smiled and squinted slightly at Ye Qianyue, with a hint of coaxing in his tone, "Xiaoyue'er, you are not curious. What did the people prepare?"

"Aren't you unwilling to say it? Then it's useless for me to ask." Ye Qianyue's reaction was flat, and her cold gaze lightly swept across Beigong Huoyin's face.

"If you want to know, Xiao Yue'er, of course I'm willing to tell you anything." Beigong Huoyin showed a harmless smile, looking at Ye Qianyue.

"When you've said all this, you'll be betrayed, so hurry up and talk." Looking at Beigong Huoyin, Ye Qianyue said directly.

"I asked people from the Bei family to prepare a fire silk underwear for each of us."

After Beigong Huoyin's words, everyone in the Mo family spat out, almost choking to death with their own saliva.

Regarding this, Beigong Huoyin frowned in disgust, "It's so dirty."

"What did you say? One fire silk underwear for each of you?" Mo Ning's mouth twitched forcefully, and then he felt that he was not well!

How did this Beigong Huoyin's brain circuit grow, such a precious thing as fire silk, is actually used as an underwear, and, moreover, each person has one? !

Completely horrified, Mo Ning knows how good fire silk is.

This thing is made of silk threads spit out by a precious fire silkworm beast of a kind of monster. It is not only very tough, but also naturally heats up. Make clothes out of such precious things? !

"Why, don't you people from the Mo family want it?" Beigong Huoyin asked directly with raised eyebrows.

Seeing that the heads of the Mo family were shaking like rattles, they obviously wanted it, Beigong Huoyin nodded in satisfaction, "If you want it, that's right."

"Beigong Huoyin, why didn't I realize that you are such a prodigal before?" Ye Qianyue stared at Beigong Huoyin, thinking that this guy is really a capitalized prodigal!
Such a precious thing really makes people have to call Beigong Huoyin a prodigal.

But in the same way, with the inner shirt made of fire silk, the severe cold weather on Xue's body could not pose any threat to them.

(End of this chapter)

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