Chapter 944
"This is one of my strengths, you can discover it slowly in the future, don't worry." Beigong Huoyin smiled softly, and then continued, "In the past few days, the materials have been collected almost, I guess After a few more days, we can set off."

After saying this with a smile, Beigong Huoyin said with a quick smile, "Before we set off, let's stay leisurely at Bei's house."

Now that there is already a detailed plan, everyone will naturally not continue to worry.

Waiting at Bei's house with peace of mind, Ye Qianyue and others waited for seven days before heading towards the ice and snow mountains.

Riding a monster suitable for traveling, it was a seven-day journey, but Ye Qianyue and the others arrived in three days.

Standing in mid-air, everyone looked down at the white-capped mountains below, and couldn't help feeling somewhat curious.

"Miss Ye, where is the exact location of the second underground palace?" Mo Ning asked curiously as it was her first visit to the Ice and Snow Mountains.

"Over there." Pointing to the largest peak located in the center of the entire mountain range, Ye Qianyue recognized that it was Xueshen Mountain.

The tall Xueshen Mountain seems to be formed by the condensation of ice and snow, and the white snow is constantly spreading out, bringing a sense of coldness, which makes people vigilant a lot.

"Okay, now that we're here, let's go." Located in the cold sky, Ye Qianyue and the others didn't feel too much cold.

The fire silk inner shirt was attached to the skin, continuously releasing hot temperature to warm everyone's bodies.

"Well, then go straight to the halfway up the mountain." Beigong Huoyin said this lightly with sharp eyes narrowed fiercely.

Right now they were heading towards Snow God Mountain, but everyone arrived at the foot of Snow God Mountain first.

Snow God Mountain is surrounded by a special layer of magnetic field, which can disturb the control of people's thoughts, which is very dangerous.

Moreover, in the stone walls around Xueshen Mountain, there lived a ferocious man-eating monster. This kind of monster could create ice and snow for a short time. If it was attacked by ice and snow at that time, it would really not be worth it.

One cannot underestimate anything in Xueshen Mountain, so everyone can only be more cautious.

Although you can't directly use your thoughts to float in the air, but if you want to climb the cliff, everyone can jump a short distance,
In this way, the speed of everyone is not too slow.

They are also used to this kind of fast rush, and everyone refused to show weakness. After spending most of the day, they arrived at the halfway up the Xueshen Mountain.

The fine pieces of ice and snow were blown by the cold wind, and the sharp ones cut across the face like a knife, and the cold people almost froze.

Although the inner shirt with fire silk made everyone not feel too much pain, but traveling so fast made everyone feel that it was a lot of consumption.

Naturally, they wanted to enter the underground palace in the best condition, and everyone divided into two groups, intending to take the recovery potion and restore their physical strength.

However, before the crowd really started, a few human-like and bird-like calls suddenly pierced the quiet air and swept towards them.

Her eyes trembled slightly, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes coldly, then looked up into the sky.

I saw the sharp as a knife blizzard quickly condensed, and then fiercely swept towards the direction where everyone was!

(End of this chapter)

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