Chapter 945 Why Are There So Many
"Jie wu—!" The sharp roar came along with the cold wind and snow, making everyone vigilant at the same time.

Raising his eyes, what appeared in front of Ye Qianyue's people was a very mysterious looking creature.

I saw that the body of this creature was covered with countless thick feathers, it had sharp claws like birds, and it also had thick wings unique to birds, but its face and body were human.

They are all covered in snow-white, except for the upper body and face of these birds, the rest of these birds are covered with snow-white feathers.

However, although they have human upper bodies and faces, their bodies are also covered with snow-white fluff, and their eyes are only white, which indeed looks a little scary.

Looking at this unique creature, everyone present except Ye Qianyue became vigilant and looked coldly at the birds flying in the air.

Seeing Ye Qianyue staring blankly at the birds in the sky, Shi Qi looked at her with some puzzlement, and then immediately reminded her, "Girl, what are you doing standing there so stupidly? What's so interesting?"

"No, it's the first time I've seen so many birdmen..." Ye Qianyue sighed.

Although he knew that these monsters were not real birdmen, but a monster called Snow God Bird, Ye Qianyue still couldn't help sighing.

"Stop standing there stupidly, or we will be the ones who will be wiped out in a while!" Killing Qi rolled his huge eyes at Ye Qianyue helplessly.

Naturally not the kind of person who disregarded the overall situation, Ye Qianyue nodded, looking at those snow god birds with a cold killing intent in her eyes.

In mid-air, these snow god birds seemed to be irritated by Ye Qianyue's blatant eyes, and a shrill cry came from their throats.

Suddenly, the surrounding wind and snow swept up crazily, sweeping towards the surroundings with a terrifying momentum!

A terrible blizzard took shape, bringing with it a murderous aura, and swept towards Ye Qianyue and the others crazily!

Naturally, they wouldn't just show weakness like this. Ye Qianyue and the others quickly gathered together, and then joined hands to build an exceptionally strong barrier, protecting them firmly.

With the enchantment, the blizzard of the snow god birds didn't work. They were so angry that they let out angry cries one after another, and rushed towards the enchantment one by one madly, slashing fiercely with their sharp claws. Passed the smooth enchantment surface!
Numerous cracks appeared on the surface of the enchantment grasped by the claws containing cold and poisonous gas, with a somewhat cold feeling, which made people feel a tremor!
"This enchantment can't last for too long." The poisonous gas contained strong corrosiveness, and more snow god birds also rushed over, densely packed, almost covering the entire sky.

As the saying goes, they are outnumbered, and the snow god bird itself is not weak, and the people are also expending a lot because of rushing. If this continues, the situation is indeed not good.

"My God, why are there so many? We didn't find any of them when we came up, but now, all these snow god birds have popped up!" Killing Qi looked at those snow god birds in wonder, sincerely Puzzled, "I'm surprised, where were these things hidden in the first place, how do you say it, so many popped up all at once!"

(End of this chapter)

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