Chapter 947 Miss Ye is right
The water flow summoned by the Bihaizhu had to break out of the barrier before it could reach the Snow God Bird. To do this, they had to remove the entire barrier first.

"In this case, it's not easy for us to be caught by the snowstorm outside, and we are more likely to inhale poisonous gas." Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, the third elder of the Mo family frowned, "What should we do then?"

"Nothing to do, just take care of yourself." Said this sentence in a very cold tone, Ye Qianyue's eyebrows were very cold, "If you don't do this, you will only die if you wait for us. If this is the case, why not Fight it."

"Yes, what Miss Ye said makes sense, we understand." Nodding immediately, everyone said hastily.

Now that the matter has been decided, everyone naturally does not need to hesitate, and they will be ready immediately.

"If I say withdraw, you will remove the barrier." Together with Mo Ning, Ye Qianyue withdrew her own thoughts first, and Ye Qianyue watched the barrier become more and more turbulent after the two of them left.

They nodded at the same time, and everyone was obviously ready.

"Jie——!" With its sharp claws, trying to forcefully tear apart the enchantment covering everyone's body, the snow god bird's eyes quickly filled with extremely ferocious bloodshot, as fine as a spider's web, making people Just one look is enough to make your heart tremble!

The barrier in front of her eyes became turbulent crazily, but Ye Qianyue's face was calm.

The whole person looked very calm, and Ye Qianyue quickly stimulated the water energy in her body.

The light blue energy is quickly condensed in the blue sea pearl, and it looks like a gem from a distance, constantly beating with crystal light.

The sound of water flow also appeared very quickly, and the clear light blue energy quickly condensed, and then immediately enveloped Ye Qianyue's whole body.

Soon, accompanied by Ye Qianyue, she continued to infuse the water system energy in her body into the Bihaizhu, and the surface of the Bihaizhu also quickly glowed, making people's facial expressions crazily condense in it!
Clearly aware that the time is almost up, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes quickly filled with a hint of sternness, "Get out!"

After Ye Qianyue's words fell, everyone present was very cooperative, and without hesitation, they removed the enchantment covering them.

Immediately, a crazy blizzard roared, and then ruthlessly blasted towards everyone!

"Bi Haizhu, go!" Seeing the best opportunity, Ye Qianyue gave a cold shout, and the powerful water flow swept out, rushing out in an instant, gathering around the crowd, and quickly heading towards the sky filled with water. The snow god bird went away.

"Mo Ning, do it." The terrifying water rushed out almost like a tsunami, and then enveloped the entire sky.

Hearing this, Mo Ning quickly froze the water flow barrier covering everyone, forming a huge ice barrier around them.

Everyone also acted at this moment, instilling their own energy into it, perfectly strengthening the barrier.

At the same time, the cold breath released by Mo Ning swept out like a cold wave, freezing all the snow birds trapped in the water at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Jie, jie jie——!" Trapped in the water, the snow godbirds watched their companions gradually freeze, with a bit of panic in their eyes.

 Recommend Jiyou Wenwen "The No. [-] Favorite Marriage of a Famous Family: Wolfy Husband, Pain Less" for collection and tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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