Chapter 948 Sounds Too Raw

It is not small for Mo Ning to have the strength of the strong Niantian Emperor. Such a large concentration is equally difficult for Mo Ning.

Not hesitating to bite the tip of his tongue, Mo Ning spit out a drop of blood, allowing the huge energy in it to seep out, and then completely freeze the water flow in the entire sky.

In an instant, all the snow birds in the sky were frozen into ice sculptures, without the slightest defense.

"Huh..." Mo Ning let out a long breath, and Mo Ning seemed to have consumed a lot of strength.

"Everyone has worked hard." Ye Qianyue also heaved a sigh of relief after solving the snow god bird, and then took a special look at Mo Ning, "Especially Miss Mo Ning, it is thanks to you that you can solve these snow god birds." you."

Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Mo Ning sprang up from the ground and waved her hands at Ye Qianyue, "Miss, you are too polite, I just froze the water flow that Miss summoned. , It’s not a big deal, but I should thank Miss well for helping me improve my strength so much.”

"Improving your strength is only superficial. Whether you can fully grasp the power you have now depends on your efforts in the future." Saying this, Ye Qianyue smiled at Mo Ning, " However, as long as Miss Mo Ning remains like this and practices on time, within a year, you will be able to fully grasp your current strength."

Knowing that Mo Ning is the kind of person who is diligent in cultivating every day, otherwise Ye Qianyue would not forcefully improve Mo Ning's strength.

Even with hard training, it is impossible for ordinary people to upgrade from Nian Sheng to Nian Tiandi level powerhouse in just one year!
Mo Ning smiled gratefully at Ye Qianyue, and Mo Ning immediately nodded, "Miss Ye can just call me Xiao Ning, and we will have a long time to get along in the future, young lady or something, it sounds too natural gone."

"Okay, then you can call me by my name too." Although Mo Ning has a hotter personality and a little bit of the pride of a young lady, she is not a bad-hearted person at all, and Ye Qianyue is also very willing. Make friends with such people.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue agreed, Mo Ning also had a little more smile on his face.

Everyone was exhausted to varying degrees. At the moment when the barrier was removed just now, everyone inadvertently absorbed some cold poisonous gas, which needed to be detoxified.

The poisonous gas is lurking in the body, and it is uncertain when it will explode. To be on the safe side, it is better to clean it up immediately.

The second elder and the third elder of the Mo family spent a lot of energy. Including Mo Ning, there are three people in total. Because they consumed a lot, their resistance to poisonous gas was even worse.

The situation of Si Linyuan and the others is very good, and the great elder is reasonable, so Ye Qianyue divided the people into two groups, and then sent them the antidote and potion to restore their strength respectively.

After receiving the potion, everyone would naturally not refuse it, and thanked Ye Qianyue immediately, and then took both potions.

It didn't consume much, Ye Qianyue just began to recover her strength holding her breath.

With Jin Rendan, Ye Qianyue didn't need to take the potion to restore her strength.

After less than half an hour, Ye Qianyue opened her eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met Si Linyuan's golden eyes, and Ye Qianyue couldn't help but smile.

(End of this chapter)

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