The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 949 There seems to be something

Chapter 949 There seems to be something

"Linyuan, what are you looking at me for?" Seeing that Si Linyuan was still looking at her affectionately, Ye Qianyue leaned her head on Si Linyuan's solid shoulder, "How long have you been looking at me?"

"Since you closed your eyes to practice, I have been watching you." Si Linyuan's eyes were filled with deep affection, and he slowly answered Ye Qianyue's question, "My Ah Yue is really pretty. "

She smiled sweetly. Although Ye Qianyue knew that Si Linyuan had consumed less than herself, she was still worried, and forced Si Linyuan to close her eyes and recover a bit.

Naturally, Ye Qianyue did whatever she wanted, and Si Linyuan obediently practiced for a while.

After an hour and a half, all the talents finally finished their training.

They all regained their spirits, and everyone quickly decided to continue on the road.

They didn't go up the mountain directly, but everyone came to the place where the first line of sky on Xueshen Mountain was as shown on the map.

It's like splitting half of Xueshen Mountain with a huge axe. The surrounding mountain walls of Yixiantian are evenly cut, and there are densely packed stone caves on it.

Because of the perennial wind and snow, the entrance of the cave was blocked by ice and snow, and a layer of hard ice formed on the smooth mountain wall.

The width of a line of sky is only enough for one person to pass through, and the field of vision is very narrow.

"It seems to be there." Looking slightly sideways, Ye Qianyue quickly discovered that there was a huge hollow stone cave in the center of the left side of the mountain wall.

It is much wider than ordinary caves. On the walls of that cave, there are still a lot of jewels inlaid faintly. At this moment, those precious gems are slowly beating with bursts of cold light, looking very dazzling.

"According to what is shown on the map, the entrance to the second underground palace is there." While speaking, Si Linyuan had firmly protected Ye Qianyue behind him, "This place is too narrow. I'll explore the way first, Ah Yue and you all just follow behind me."

"Well, you have to be careful." Nodding, Ye Qianyue told Si Linyuan.

"I'll be the second one, let Bei Gong follow you." Ming Xiu also took a step forward at this moment and said.

"Okay, then I will protect you behind Xiaoyue'er." Hearing this, Beigong Huoyin didn't have any objection, and smiled and nodded in agreement.

Knowing that these big men were all concerned about her, Ye Qianyue didn't refuse, and obediently followed behind them, continuing to move forward.

There was a thick layer of snow on the ground, and Si Linyuan's invisible fiery aura swarmed out, and then directly evaporated the snow water into nothingness.

A road was opened, and Si Linyuan carefully observed everything around him, focusing on those large and small stone caves.

There are fine pieces of ice and snow sandwiched in a layer of cold ice, like glass covered with a layer of mist, making it impossible for people to guess what is hidden inside.

The unknown eerie feeling swept over quickly, with an unpleasant sense of solemnity.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Si Linyuan gradually stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Seeing that Si Linyuan stopped, Mingxiu looked at Si Linyuan puzzled and asked.

"There seems to be something in this cave." Si Linyuan said with a serious expression, and said this with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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