Chapter 950 Is it a corpse?

Si Linyuan's words made the goosebumps on everyone's backs tremble.

"There is something, what is there?" Standing behind Beigong Huoyin, Mo Ning was surrounded by a hole sealed by ice.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in the entrance of the cave, making it impossible to see clearly what was inside.

Fortunately, it is because you can't see clearly that it looks scary!
"I don't know." Si Linyuan said so, turned his head with a dignified expression, looked at the crowd, and said slowly, "Everyone takes two steps back, I want to open a hole to see what's inside .”

If there is something dangerous, they will leave here immediately, and then come in after thinking about a countermeasure.

Regardless of whether this underground palace is really the tomb of the gods, in short, the danger of appearing here must be not small, and they must be cautious.

Not dissatisfied with Si Linyuan's proposal, everyone nodded immediately, and then immediately took two steps back.

Enough space was opened, and a blazing flame rose instantly in Si Linyuan's palm.

Instead of raising the temperature of the Dragon Fire too high, Si Linyuan kept the temperature of the flames very low, so that they would still have a chance to retreat if there was any danger.

The dragon fire the size of a fingertip baked the ice at the entrance of the cave, and soon revealed a hole big enough for everyone to peek at.

So far, there has been no danger.

Everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, and they looked at Si Linyuan cautiously, and looked at the entrance of the cave anxiously.

There was no scary beast rushing out, and the person lying in the cave was a person.

Or rather, a dead body.

When he died, it seemed to be in special pain. There were still purple pinch marks left by humans on this person's neck, and the expression on his face was completely distorted, with a faint sense of ferocity.

Mingxiu is the closest to Si Linyuan, so he stepped forward to take a look at this moment.

The man had obviously been dead for a long time, and his body was covered with fine ice crystals.

He seemed to be from some tribe. The clothes on the man's body were different from those outside the mountain. His face was full of pain, and he even had a unique fiery red tattoo of the tribe.

His body had been stiff for a long time. Looking into the depths, the man's limbs were all intact, and there was no obvious trauma. It was obvious that he was directly strangled to death.

"What's going on here? Who strangled this man to death? And stuffed him into this cave?" Si Linyuan asked slowly with a puzzled frown.

Naturally, the man would not answer Si Linyuan, he was still lying on the spot coldly, showing a faint feeling of coldness.

"Is it a corpse?" Ye Qianyue's eyes darkened when she heard the words, and then she looked at the thousands of caves, large and small, on the mountain walls on both sides, her eyes were a little dignified, "So How many small caves, each of which hides a corpse?"

Ye Qianyue's words made everyone's faces very ugly.

The corpses would never come to such a cave that was only big enough for them to lie down on their own, but someone must have deliberately killed these people and stuffed them into these caves!
Thinking of them being surrounded by thousands of corpses at this moment, Mo Ning's face turned a little pale, and the hairs on his back also stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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