The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 956 It's Too Dangerous Here

Chapter 956 It's Too Dangerous Here

That is, the so-called zombies! !
But thinking of the thousands of hundreds of horrible corpses on the surrounding mountain walls, if all these corpses are resurrected...

Just thinking of this makes my hair stand on end, Ye Qianyue shouted recklessly, "Quick, stop these butterflies!"

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, everyone was startled, and immediately shot.

They all released an attack at the fastest speed, and there were thousands of black corpse red butterflies densely packed, but only half of them were killed. There were still thousands of black corpse red butterflies rushing out of the cave .

"Go, get out of here!" As a monster, Mingxiu knew the horror of these black corpses and red butterflies best!

They must escape from here first, and then they can enter the underground palace after dealing with these black corpses and red butterflies.

Otherwise, if there are too many dangers in the underground palace, then they will have no way out at all!
There was a dignified look on the face, everyone understood the seriousness of this matter, and they didn't dare to waste time for a while, and rushed out of the cave quickly.

A few black corpses and red butterflies had been attached to the surrounding coffins from the very beginning. At this moment, small blue and white hands lifted the coffin lids and crawled out unsteadily.

The eyes have been replaced by pitch black, and the coffins contained some children!
Having been revived by the black corpse red butterfly toxin, these children were so powerful that they immediately caught the third elder of the Mo family.

"Ahhh!" He bit the third elder's body hard, and the strength of those children directly bit off a piece of the third elder's flesh.

"Ah!" A shrill scream erupted from the throat, and the third elder looked terrified at the moment, and stretched out his hand to Ye Qianyue and the others, "Help me, ah!!"

Before the Third Elder finished speaking, another child rushed forward, this time tearing open the Third Elder's throat!

The speed was so fast that everyone couldn't react. They watched blood spurt from the throat of the third elder, and then fell to the ground and died.

After the death of the third elder, an enchanting and beautiful black corpse red butterfly fluttered over and attached itself to the third elder.

Seeing the Third Elder's fingers move again, Mo Ning's expression turned ugly, and he threw an ice pick fiercely, and said angrily, "Get out of here!"

The black corpse and the red butterfly were smashed into pieces in an instant, and his figure shook twice in the air before turning into nothingness.

With a look of grief and indignation, although Mo Ning failed to save the third elder's life, he couldn't just watch the third elder being turned into a thoughtless zombie.

With a wave of his hand, Mo Ning released a icy breath, and then froze the third elder's body.

Immediately after snapping his fingers quickly, Mo Ning directly turned the body of the third elder into countless ice crystals.

So, it's better than turning into an emotionless zombie!

"Miss, it's dangerous here, let's leave quickly!" Seeing this, the First Elder could not bear it.

Although he was dead without a whole body, it was better than being turned into a zombie!
Understanding the meaning of what Mo Ning did, the Great Elder directly pulled Mo Ning up, and rushed out with Ye Qianyue and the others.

"Ah, ahh!" Seeing that the body of the third elder who could be their companion was destroyed by Mo Ning, those zombie children were immediately angry.

(End of this chapter)

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