The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 957 Don't Let These Things Come Up

Chapter 957 Don't Let These Things Come Up

Almost crazy, he rushed out, and the children's target was Mo Ning.

How can these things succeed? The Great Elder shot and saw that the blue vines rushed out quickly, and then pierced through the chests of those children fiercely.

They were directly sent flying, but these children didn't care, even though their hearts were pierced, they still stood up staggeringly, and then walked towards the crowd.

"How could this be? Could it be that breaking the heart can't get rid of them?" The elders looked at the zombie children with horrified expressions on their faces.

However, at this moment, the melodious sound of the piano sounded, and then a powerful wind blade swept over aggressively, and then directly chopped off the heads of those zombie children.

Bloodstains from blood red to black shot out in an instant, and then the bodies of those zombie children finally collapsed powerlessly.

"To kill these zombies, you have to attack their heads or spines." Human technology has been very developed in the last life, and there are many diseased zombies outside the protective cover, so Ye Qianyue knows how to deal with these monsters.

Just after Ye Qianyue finished speaking, more zombies rushed out with hideous eyes, attacking Ye Qianyue and the others frantically.

Long Zhihuo rushed out frantically, Si Linyuan's eyes were cold, as soon as he made a move, he directly burned all the zombies gathered around the entrance of the cave into black ashes.

"It's also effective to directly wipe out the existence of these ghost things." Si Linyuan soon saw more zombie cages gathering, and immediately hugged Ye Qianyue without hesitation, "here The space is too narrow, which is not good for us, so let’s go out first.”

After finishing speaking, Si Linyuan rushed out first.

Of course, they wouldn't stay here waiting to die, and the rest of the meditation practitioners also rushed out.

The speed is extremely fast, but everyone can't fly, and the sky is very narrow. In the surrounding walls, countless zombies stretch out their hands ferociously, trying to catch them frantically.

With a move in her mind, Ye Qianyue lightly raised her hand, and several tender green vines headed towards the sky, directly rushing out of the entire sky.

Terrified by the surrounding zombies, everyone looked at the vines, stepped on them immediately, and rushed out of the entire sky.

"Hey, ah woo!" The zombies couldn't really talk, they could only keep waving their hands frantically, climbing up the vines and chasing everyone.

The vines quickly retracted, and Ye Qianyue took advantage of the moment when everyone stayed in midair, and a few vines in her hands took root at the top of the sky, and then soared up crazily, suspended in the midair with tremors .

There was absolutely no way out now, those zombies tried to climb up quickly.

"Xiao Ning, don't let these things come up." Ye Qianyue looked at the many zombies below, and felt that the densely packed heads made people frown.

"En, I got it!" Mo Ning nodded immediately, then quickly activated the thought power in her body, and immediately formed a thick layer of solid ice on the stone walls on both sides of Yixiantian.

Zombies can't use their thoughts, they can only rely on their own strength to climb, with solid ice, even if their nails are deep and hard, they can't go up any more, they can only stay on the ground, looking up at Ye Qianyue and the others .

 There will be an update around 3pm~
(End of this chapter)

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