Chapter 958

There was a continuous roar from the throat, and those zombies came out of the cave in the mountain wall one by one, and there was an enchanting black corpse red butterfly on their shoulders.

"As expected of the tomb of the gods, you can even see such rare black corpses and red butterflies!" The elder of the Mo family looked at the group of zombies below, and thought of the third elder who died tragically, "It's a pity The third elder..."

"I know that the Great Elder can't bear it, but things are already like this, and we can't change it." Mo Ning thought of the tragedy of the Third Elder before he died, and the hairs on his back would tremble.

"Elder Elder and Missy, don't be sad, these are inevitable things." The Second Elder also came over at this time, with the same solemn expression on his face, "It's also thanks to Missy who took care of the body of the third child first." ,otherwise……"

Seeing a huge area of ​​zombies below, each of them has a big mouth and a hideous look, the people of the Mo family don't want to see their people turn into that terrible look.

"Is the sentimental over? If it's over, it's time for us to think of a solution." Beigong Huoyin's red and enchanting eyes lit up a little, and then he said coldly as if he had discovered something, "You guys Look, those zombies are now heading towards the cave we were in just now."

The mountain wall below the cave was not frozen, and the zombies were climbing up with grim expressions at the moment.

Seeing the appearance of those zombies, Shi Qi was a little surprised, "Didn't you say that these zombies have no thoughts? How can they still act on their own?"

It is said there that if these zombies can't catch them, they are likely to go down the mountain. Anyway, they are all dead, and there is no possibility of freezing to death. They only know how to devour human beings blindly.

It is also because the poison of the black corpse and red butterfly will make these dead people kill more humans, and then the killed humans will be controlled by them, which caused a lot of casualties that year, so they were all wiped out.

However, at this moment, these zombies did not act as everyone thought, which surprised everyone.

The golden noble eyes narrowed fiercely, Mingxiu looked at the black corpse red butterfly standing on the shoulders of those zombies, and quickly understood, "These zombies are going to the cave according to the black corpse red butterfly's instructions. of."

After listening to Mingxiu's words, everyone looked at the black corpses and red butterflies together, and found that the wings of these butterflies flickered twice, both at the same frequency.

"Why did this happen?" Ye Qianyue watched as the black corpse and red butterfly controlled the zombies and rushed towards the cave, as if there was something important there that was attracting them.

"Speaking of which, when those black corpse red butterflies rushed out just now, they didn't see the butterfly queen among them." Si Linyuan continued as if thinking of something, "I remember this kind of black corpse red butterfly and Just like our common bees, bees have queens, and these black corpse red butterflies also have queens."

"Well, it is rumored that the butterfly queen is blue, and she is always surrounded by a group of flames. The flames can burn people invisible, and their power is no less than that of the Phoenix Soul Fire and Dragon Fire that you have, Ah Yue." Meditation After a pause, he continued quickly, "Naturally, although the queen butterfly's flames are powerful, they are rare in number. They can only kill two people at a time, so they cannot compare with you."

(End of this chapter)

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