Chapter 961 Isn't It Bad

After saying this, Shi Qi slowly narrowed his eyes, staring at Bei Gong Huo Yin with a bit of sharpness in his eyes, "Why, are you interested in people from the Celestial Clan?"

"No." The answer was straightforward, and the smile on Beigong Huoyin's face made it impossible to see anything wrong.

After hearing Beigong Huoyin's words, Shi Qi stared at him carefully for a few times, and after confirming that there was really nothing wrong with this guy's expression, he finally gave up, shrugged his shoulders casually, and then asked Ye Qianyue to ask for it. The medicine to restore physical strength has gone.

After giving the potion to Shi Qi, Ye Qianyue also sat down cross-legged on the spot, and began to practice seriously.

Unlike Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan who have a body protected by flames, Mo Ning's body temperature is easy to drop, and at this moment they also warmed up the strong wine and drank it.

And Si Linyuan, who possessed the blazing dragon's fire, also consciously summoned the flames to keep Mo Ning and the others warm.

Although it consumed a lot, Ye Qianyue's strength recovered very quickly, and she opened her eyes very quickly.

Exhaling a long breath, Ye Qianyue's face suddenly regained a lot of rosiness, and that Qingcheng's face became even more moving.

"Are you awake? Then let's leave quickly, lest there be any accidents again." Beigong Huoyin said looking at Ye Qianyue.

"Well, let's go now." After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, everyone nodded in unison, and then walked to the sarcophagus on the side.

There is a spacious entrance in the sarcophagus. At this moment, the edge of the secret door of the entrance is sealed by a special crystal. This crystal is very stubborn and cannot be easily broken by ordinary people.

"No wonder those zombies went in just now. It turned out that the hole of the secret door was sealed." The elder of the Mo family suddenly realized.

"The people of the Tianshen clan left these corpses and the black corpses and red butterflies here to prevent people like us from approaching the underground palace, so as to protect the underground palace. Since it is protection, the people of the Tianshen clan will naturally not let them create their own. The weapons used for defense, in turn, destroyed the underground palace."

Nodding in agreement, everyone looked at the solid crystal and didn't know what to do for a while.

In this environment, it seems that it is not suitable to break these crystals with brute force.

Judging from the black corpses, red butterflies and zombies just now, this second underground palace is obviously much more dangerous than the first one.

If it is not done well, there will be some danger, and it will pop up suddenly.

When the time comes to use brute force, it is too small to destroy the secret door. If it is not controlled well and some mechanism is touched, wouldn't it be bad?

Just when Ye Qianyue was thinking of roasting it with Phoenix Soul Fire, Beigong Huoyin took the initiative to take a step forward, looking at the secret door with blood red eyes, "Why don't you let me do it."

Seeing that Beigong Huoyin took the initiative to invite Ying, Ye Qianyue would naturally not stop him.

Under the gaze of everyone, Beigong Huoyin slowly took out a pitch-black bottle from his arms.

Opening the bottle cap, Beigong Huoyin's family sent the open bottle to where the crystal was.

Just when everyone didn't understand what Beigong Huoyin was trying to do, a long, slender snow-white worm as thick as a hair seemed to come out to look for food, and directly jumped on the spar, eating happily up.

With the first long worm appeared, more were soon drawn out.

(End of this chapter)

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