Chapter 962
There seemed to be a lot of long nematodes stuffed in the small bottle. These nematodes had thin and small but extremely hard teeth, slowly but methodically gnawed at the crystals, and swallowed them into the stomach .

"It's a crystal-eating nematode." Mingxiu, who is also a monster, naturally recognizes these things.

After hearing Mingxiu's words, Ye Qianyue and the others also understood, and nodded immediately.

This kind of crystal-eating nematodes eat crystals for a living, and the harder the crystals are, the more they like them.

The next thing to do is to wait quietly. Shi Qi watched those unremarkable crystal-eating nematodes eat quickly, and then looked at Beigong Huoyin in puzzlement, "Since you have such a good thing, why don't you eat it?" Take it out from the beginning?"

Thinking that what was blocked in front of the cave in the first underground palace was also crystallization, but that crystallization was stronger than this one. At that time, it was still painful to smash the crystallization open.

"That's the condensed crystal of the human body." Beigong Huoyin looked at Shi Qi with a natural expression, and said slowly, "The nematodes I raise are not allowed to eat people."

"Damn, what a nonsense reason." Completely speechless at Beigong Huoyin's boring stubbornness, Shi Qi rolled a huge white eye.

Beigong Huoyin didn't mind this, and still smiled slightly, watching the crystal-eating nematodes continue to gnaw on the spar.

"Little girl, is this Beigong Huyin reliable or not?" Shi Qi looked at Beigong Huyin, and always felt that the aura of this guy was up and down, making it hard to see his sincerity.

Who is Shi Qi, she is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, even he can't see her clearly, it can be seen how deep Beigong Huoyin's city is.

After listening to Shi Qi's words, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes lightly, "Bei Gong Huo Yin is indeed a person who has ups and downs in our opinion, but in fact, we can't see it from him at all. Whether it's good or bad, he himself doesn't care about it, he just lives blindly according to his own ideas."

"What a casual person." Si Linyuan said this, but he agreed with Ye Qianyue's words in his heart.

Beigong Huoyin is indeed an unfathomable person, making it impossible to guess what he is thinking.

With his strength, there was absolutely no need to bow down to the Dark Demon's subordinates, but because he was interesting, he stayed as the Dark Demon's subordinates. Later, because he felt bored, he turned around and left without hesitation. There is nothing good or bad in a person, he is both evil and good, and he just follows his own thoughts and wishes.

"In my opinion, this guy must be a young master spoiled by the family." Shi Qi said very seriously.

Seeing Shi Qi's expression of dissatisfaction with Beigong Huoyin, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing, "You old guy, you really hold a grudge, isn't he originally a subordinate of the dark demon, look, hurry up!" Stop counting like that."

"Hmph, the old man holds a grudge, so it's impossible not to ignore it." Killing Qi said angrily when he mentioned this.

Seeing Shi Qi's angry look, Ye Qianyue was not completely incomprehensible.

I thought that killing Qi's heart and soul was to get back his original body, but who knew that his body had already been destroyed before he saw it!
(End of this chapter)

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