Chapter 964 It's Really Scary
"After careful inspection, there is no danger." As Shi Qi said, he got into the secret door one step ahead of everyone else.

Naturally, everyone would not hesitate, and immediately followed suit.

The stairs are very deep, and you can't see the side faintly, and you don't know where it leads.

Just like this, it continued to go down, and there were many things faintly carved on the walls of the long corridor.

Most of the sculptures are large and small snakes, densely piled up here, making people feel trembling when they look at them.

There are even various characters drawn on it, but these characters are not the kind of characters that everyone usually sees, but instead give people a feeling of intricacies, which makes people more and more incomprehensible.

"Speaking of which, when I entered the door, there was also a snake that came out suddenly." The second elder of the Mo family frowned slightly, "Where does this road lead to?"

"Of course it leads to the deepest underground palace." After saying this slowly, the light in Ye Qianyue's eyes became deeper and deeper, "Of course, what is there in the underground palace? It's hard to say."

Ye Qianyue's words made goosebumps appear on the second elder's back, and he was not feeling well.

She also knew that Ye Qianyue wasn't trying to scare them, and it was uncertain what would suddenly appear in the underground palace.

Thinking of this, everyone did not back down, but continued to move downward at a rapid speed.

No matter what terrible things are hidden here, everyone can't back down.

The stairs are very long and lead directly to the ground.

"Look, Qianyue, there's a door!" Mo Ning was the first to discover a thick door ahead, and said loudly, his eyes lit up.

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue and the others raised their heads quickly, and they really saw a thick door ahead, faintly emitting a deep light.

"That door seems to have been opened by someone." Looking at the heavy door, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes lightly, and then said with certainty.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then immediately looked at the door.

Sure enough, just as Ye Qianyue said, the door opened a crack, and there was a faint luster like ice and snow coming from it.

They were all a little more curious, but everyone didn't dare to act rashly, they were still very careful, and slowly approached the gate over there.

"Who opened this gap? Such a small gap is not enough for one person to pass through." Mo Ning looked at the gap, and then frowned, "Besides, there is nothing that dares to come in front of us. When we got here, even the crystals on the secret door just now were cleared, it is impossible for anyone to have this opportunity to come here."

"The people who come here may not be people." At this moment, Mingxiu gently sniffed the smell in the air, and then said in a calm voice, "Did you forget that when we opened the secret door at the beginning, we met what?"

"It's a snake." Ye Qianyue spit out these two words slowly, her tone was calm, with a hint of solemnity.

Ye Qianyue's words made goosebumps rise on everyone's backs.

If it was really a snake, it would be really scary!

(End of this chapter)

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