Chapter 965 Are these things eggs?

Thinking about it, everyone was even ready to push open the door, and they saw a terrifying crowd of densely packed black snakes.

However, to everyone's surprise, a refreshed icy breath quickly swept out of the empty space inside the door, and the delicate and gentle sound of running water also entered everyone's ears.

They were all a little surprised. Everyone at this moment looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them, and they couldn't recover for a while.

What they saw in front of them was a huge transparent beam of light.

In the cover made of colored glaze, there is a round beige bead floating in it, faintly exuding a vibrant luster.

And under this huge beam of light is a deep pool.

Aside from the countless silver and white cumbersome patterns and gorgeous decorations around the deep pool.

The surface of the deep pool exudes a faint and deep cold air, which gradually seeps out, making one's heart tremble unavoidably.

And in the deep pool, there are countless white oval spheres.

"Are these things eggs?" It was vaguely felt that these white elliptical spheres looked like snake eggs. When everyone thought of this, goosebumps shuddered on their backs.

"Why are there so many snake eggs here? Except for the black snake at the beginning, we haven't encountered any other snakes."

These snake eggs can't just appear here out of thin air, but how many snakes are there to produce so many snake eggs?
There are thousands of snake eggs here, but apart from the black snake at the beginning, they have not met other snakes along the way, and there is no other smell in the surrounding area.

There are snake eggs but no snakes, this thing is simply incredible.

And just when everyone was puzzled, the ball in the beam of light suddenly burst into a burst of dazzling light.

The light swept out like a wave, and then hit the surrounding pool with force.

With a bang, the pond water expanded into gorgeous ripples, and then slowly dispersed, causing a wave of aftermath.

The terrifying fluctuations spread rapidly, containing a palpitating power.

However, the light quickly dissipated, obviously not intending to hurt everyone in the slightest.

Immediately afterwards, two circles of light rippled out, and the terrifying energy contained in them slowly penetrated into the deep pool, and then were absorbed by the snake eggs within.

They didn't understand what exactly happened at this moment. Everyone was a little nervous, and they were always vigilant about everything around them.

However, as the aperture expanded layer by layer, the snake eggs that absorbed the power also trembled slightly.

Afterwards, there was a crisp sound of '咔咔' at first, and then another crisp sound of "咔咔咯" sounded in an endless stream.

At the same time as the crisp sound came out, the snake eggs cracked one after another.

The eyes of Ye Qianyue and the others were full of vigilance, watching the eggshells of those snake eggs shatter, and then one after another small snakes drilled out of them.

The little snake is no more than the thickness of a finger, without any scales on its body, and looks like a bare and pink flesh.

It is thought that snakes lay eggs, and when they are born, scales have grown on their bodies, which play a protective role.

But all the snakes in front of them had no scales.

 There is an update today~
(End of this chapter)

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