Chapter 966 Why do you do this?
Not only that, these snake-pink bodies are even somewhat transparent, and people can even clearly see their beating internal organs.

With such a weird scene, the hairs on people's backs can't help but grow up when they look at it.


There were bursts of intense neighing sounds crazily gushing out, and then those transparent little snakes gathered together, and then rushed towards the beam of light like crazy.

At this moment, in the center of the beam of light, dots of light gradually penetrated into brilliant fine crystals, which condensed on the transparent glass cover.

Incomparably bright and dazzling, after being attached to these crystals, the glass cover will slowly seep out a warm light, shining on the swarming little snakes.

The bright light seemed to have the unique light of life, and when it shrouded the bodies of these little snakes, their flesh-pink bodies also changed a lot.

Bursts of golden scales jumping from the pure white sprung up from their bodies like mushrooms after rain, making these little snakes look a bit more majestic.

The body also gradually swelled under the light, from the original finger thickness to the wrist thickness.

Every snake in the snake group couldn't bear the weird swelling feeling, they all had faces of pain, their throats neighed continuously, and their bodies twisted crazily on the ground.

Even so, the strong light did not intend to stop at all, but became more and more brilliant, projecting on the bodies of these swollen long snakes.

At this moment, some long snakes finally couldn't bear such a large expansion, and twisted their bodies in pain. After a big mouth roared, their bodies exploded like fireworks, turning into a bloody mist.

The blood mist directly splashed on the swimming snakes nearby, and the strong bloody smell of their companions immediately made those long snakes even more crazy.

But at this moment, accompanied by the muffled sound of "噗噗噗", something also emerged directly from under the long snakes.

I saw a dragon claw with four fingers protruding from the snake's body. However, at the same time, there were more long snakes who couldn't stand the torture, and were directly blown into blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, another claw appeared, and the price paid was that more long snakes died.

The long snakes quickly changed from thousands to less than one, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made everything in front of them look even more frightening.

"Uh, vomit..." Seeing the disgusting scene, Mo Ning's face turned pale, and he was about to vomit, "What the hell are you doing?"

Ye Qianyue watched all of this from beginning to end, because she was still pregnant with a child, so the strong smell of blood also made her faintly nauseous.

Three claws have been drilled out, and each one is like digging out the stomachs of long snakes, dripping with blood.

"Does the light bead in the beam of light want to turn these long snakes into dragons?" Looking at the bloody scene in front of her, Ye Qianyue could only guess like this.

Jiao has four more claws than the long snake, and there are four fingers on every four claws.

It is very similar to these mutated long snakes in front of you!

"Why did you do this?" Mo Ning asked in amazement, her eyes widened in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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