Chapter 967 Something on the Dragon
"This, I don't know." Naturally, she couldn't guess why the light pearl would do this. Ye Qianyue saw that only three long snakes turned into flood dragons in the end, and four claws were born. She was lying in pain at the moment. Panting on the ground, the pure white scales on their bodies have been stained by the blood of their companions.

"It actually succeeded..." Looking at the light bead in surprise, Ye Qianyue really couldn't figure out what it was that had such powerful power!It can turn ordinary snakes into dragons!

And just when Ye Qianyue and the others thought the evolution was over, the light of the light bead dimmed for a moment, and then the light suddenly became more dazzling, shining in front of people's eyes.

"Roar!—" The strong light caused the three flood dragons to scream in pain, and then accompanied by a bit of blood, the long tails behind them turned into three-pronged dragon tails!
"This, this Guangzhu is actually planning to turn these flood dragons into real dragons?!" Completely surprised, everyone exclaimed.

Dragons, there are five fingers on each sharp claw, a three-pronged dragon tail on the back, and a dragon horn on the head!

However, the moment the three-pronged dragon tail appeared, two of the flood dragons exploded into blood mist.

"That light bead is impossible to succeed." Seeing this, Ye Qianyue finally knew what the light bead was trying to do.

Wanting to turn a snake into a family of dragons is simply a fantasy, no matter what you say, it is impossible to succeed.

And with the protruding of a dragon's horn, the last dragon also let out a neigh, and then exploded loudly, turning into a blood mist, and falling down profusely.

At this point, all this absurdity has officially come to an end.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue and the others finally understood what the light pearl was trying to do.

It wants to create dragons!

"It's simply absurd." Ye Qianyue said so calmly, and then said slowly without hesitation, "The dragon clan is a wonder in the world, how can it be said that it can be created when it is created."

If this pearl of light could casually create dragons, then the world would be in chaos if so many dragons flew out.

"However, although they didn't really turn into dragons, three of them successfully turned into flood dragons." Si Linyuan looked at the light bead, and his eyes suddenly became a little more curious, "What is that bead? It actually has such a terrifying power?"

"Could it be, is it the Dragon Ball?" Shi Qi looked at the light pearl, and after saying this, he directly shook his head and denied it, "The old man has seen the Dragon Ball before, although the breath of this thing is also like the breath of a dragon. Something, but it's not a Dragon Ball."

Obviously it also consumed a lot of power, the light around the light bead gradually dimmed, and then revealed its whole picture.

It is more than a circle bigger than the fist of an adult man. Why does it look so familiar with the size of this light bead?

Dragon, something about a dragon.

Thinking of the golden dragon she saw in the first underground palace, Ye Qianyue continued to frown, and suddenly thought of something.

"It's a longan, this bead is one of the longan's eyes of that giant dragon!!" Excited light appeared on his face, Ye Qianyue yelled such a sentence with great excitement, and there was more in his eyes when he looked at the light bead How hot!
(End of this chapter)

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