Chapter 992 Of course you can
Putting away this cluster of pure white paper-like Zihuo, Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Ning over there.

I saw Mo Ning holding his breath and concentrating, the whole person looked very serious.

Pressing her lips tightly, Mo Ning's whole body was filled with bursts of white cold air, and there was a faint trembling breath.

This kind of breath doesn't make people feel disgusted, on the contrary, it carries a little bit of vitality, which makes people completely unable to ignore it.

And soon, Mo Ning let out a long breath of cold air, and raised his hand at the same time.

The sharp ice blade condensed from ice cubes severed Mo Ning's ten fingers.

I saw bright red blood gushing out of the wound very quickly, and that blood was not like ordinary blood. The moment it gushed out of Mo Ning's fingertips, it condensed into fine ice crystals in the air.

Each of the ten ice crystals, which are not too big or small, is slowly beating with a moving luster. It looks crystal clear and contains extremely powerful energy.

The blood-colored ice crystals fell into the transparent medicine bottle, and Mo Ning, who had completed the task, let out a long breath, "Qianyue, I fixed it. Here it is."

"Thank you." This is what is needed, Ye Qianyue took it with a smile, and then put it away very carefully.

Also quickly gave Mo Ning the Zihuo that she had separated, Ye Qianyue smiled and said to Mo Ning, "This is the Zihuo of Fenghunhuo."

After speaking, Ye Qianyue took out a bottle of medicine from the scepter space.

The potion faintly danced with pink light, which looked very attractive.

There is also vigorous vitality in it, Ye Qianyue took out this bottle of potion, and Mo Ning came over curiously, "Qianyue, what is this?"

"This is a medicine I developed. After taking this medicine, the fire energy in your body will become more docile and obedient as Zihuo grows stronger, and it will not conflict with the ice energy in your body. "Ye Qianyue smiled and handed the potion to Mo Ning.

Flattered to accept the medicine, Mo Ning looked at the pink liquid in the medicine bottle with a surprised expression on his face.

Never seen such a miraculous thing, Mo Ning was fascinated by it for a while.

"Qianyue, you are really amazing. This is the first time I've heard of such a potion." Mo Ning took the potion from Ye Qianyue's hand very carefully, and Mo Ning looked back and forth. Look, it is obvious that he is very interested in the potion.

After hearing Mo Ning's words, Ye Qianyue smiled lightly, then nodded to her, "Xiao Ning, although I know you are not that kind of person, but I still want to tell you that this medicine It is very rare. I developed it by myself. Even I can only refine this potion occasionally. Once the existence of this thing is known to others, it will inevitably cause trouble, so I hope you will not use it in the future. Tell anyone else about the existence of this potion."

"Qianyue, don't worry, I know the seriousness." Smiling and looking at Ye Qianyue, Mo Ning said this very seriously, then looked at Ye Qianyue with a bit of impatience, "Then I Can I start absorbing Zihuo now?"

"Of course, but remember to swallow Zihuo after taking the potion first, otherwise the power in Zihuo may hurt you." Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Ning and told her.

 Concubine went for a prenatal check-up today, but she didn't have time to code words, starting tomorrow, 7 updates every day~~
  This book will end soon, I hope you can support Feier's new book~~
(End of this chapter)

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