Chapter 993 Then I Will Absorb Zihuo

"En!" Immediately nodded, Mo Ning believed that Ye Qianyue swallowed the potion directly into her stomach.

The gentle and comfortable medicinal power quickly flowed to every corner of the body, causing Mo Ning to exhale a long breath.

After the medicinal power filled the whole body, it was not absorbed by the body, but slowly settled down.

This kind of feeling made Mo Ning feel very novel. She also used her own spiritual power to search around her body, but found that the majestic power contained in the potion seemed to have completely disappeared, making her completely Can't find any trace.

"You don't need to look for it, the energy in the potion will only appear when you need it." Looking at Mo Ning's puzzled expression, Ye Qianyue could tell what Mo Ning was looking for, and immediately reminded her said to her.

"Only when you put Zihuo into your body and it starts to go berserk, and when you try to fuse Zihuo at the end, will the energy in the potion really come into play."

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Mo Ning suddenly realized and nodded, "So that's the case, thank you miss for your reminder."

"It's okay, you can try to absorb Zihuo first, and plant your spiritual imprint on Zihuo." Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Ning, and said to her very confidently, "With the help of medicine , you won’t get hurt, just let go and subdue Zihuo.”

"En! Then I'll absorb Zihuo, and Qianyue, you should quickly absorb the power in the blood." Mo Ning was extremely impatient, and immediately closed his eyes after saying this to Ye Qianyue. He closed his eyes, then sank his mind, and began to absorb the power in the potion.

Seeing that Mo Ning started one step ahead of her, Ye Qianyue didn't delay, and she returned to her original position and sat down.

Looking at the ten ice-type blood essence, Ye Qianyue took out one first, and then put it in her palm.

Ye Qianyue's body trembled involuntarily following the light trembling ice energy, and then she began to absorb the power in the blood essence.

Time passed quickly, and when Ye Qianyue had absorbed ten ice crystals, it was the last day, that is, the day when Bei Gong Xiyan left the customs.

Everyone in Beigong's family had obviously been waiting for a long time, and they all waited with some impatience for the moment when Beigong Xiyan broke through.

After Beigong Xiyan leaves the customs, the strength of their Beigong family will undoubtedly become stronger!

Thinking of this, it's hard for the members of the Beigong family not to get excited.

Located on the boulder in the back mountain of Guimen Mountain, in a fiery red protective cover, one can faintly see an old monk-like figure sitting cross-legged on it, continuously absorbing the majestic power between heaven and earth , and then slowly but orderly continued to grow its own strength.

The expression on his face was faint, Beigong Huoyin knew that this was the place with the most majestic energy in the surrounding world, so it was normal for Beigong Xiyan to practice here.

There were more and more people from the Beigong family, and in the end almost all of them rushed out, waiting for Beigong Xiyan to leave the customs.

In the hearts of everyone in the Beigong family, Beigong Xiyan is an existence that no one can replace.

Not to mention their great ancestor's strength, his own cultivation is even more terrifying to the sky.

 Chapter 1000~~~ Thank you for your support all the time, Feier will continue to work hard~~~!

(End of this chapter)

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