Chapter 994 The Rules I Made
Such a person is really hard not to admire.

And just as everyone became more and more impatient, a burst of intense brilliance suddenly burst out around the protective shield.

There was a hint of pitch-black darkness in the fiery red flames, and the terrifying power contained in it swept out like a flood, instantly making everyone in the Beigong family unable to restrain themselves, and fell to their knees in unison on the ground.

This kind of surrender is not something they can do if they say they don't want to do it.

The terrifying force just now swept over like a wave, making people not under any control at all. They can only express the strong fear deep in their hearts with such a surrendering posture!
Under such terrifying coercion, even Beigong Huoyin couldn't help frowning slightly.

Such terrifying energy proves that the strength of Beigong Xiyan has soared further.

Thinking of this, Beigong Huoyin heard a 'click' very clearly, and then the protective shield shattered directly, and an arrogant and cold figure also rushed out quickly, standing coldly on the In front of everyone.

"Congratulations to the ancestor for leaving customs—!"

As if they had been trained, everyone in the Beigong family said this in unison.

In the middle of the sky, Bei Gong Xiyan uttered a dark and gorgeous robe, which made him look a little bit evil, his face was pale, and his long fiery red hair danced wildly in the wind. He is an old monster-level character, but he looks like he is in his early twenties at most.

There is a voluptuous fire-colored pattern in his heart, and the most distinctive thing about Bei Gong Xiyan is his pair of eagle-like unruly and sharp eyes.

It seems that everything in this world cannot enter his eyes, Bei Gong Xiyan's whole body reveals a rebellious aura, and that cold one will even give people the illusion of being directly seen through .

How can a person with such a pair of eyes be a kind person.

Thinking of this in her heart, Beigong Huoyin was also respectful at the moment, and bent over Beigong Xiyan, "Old Ancestor, you have worked hard."

Seeing that among the crowd, only Beigong Huoyin could maintain a calm communication with him, Beigong Xiyan glanced at him indifferently, "Are you the current Patriarch of the family?"

Bei Gong Xiyan's voice was very cold, with a hint of unruliness faintly, like a king who ruled the world, completely ignoring everything in this world.

"Yes, junior Beigong Huoyin." Beigong Huoyin announced his name.

"En." Having said this, Bei Gong Xiyan narrowed his eyes slightly as if he suddenly remembered something, "How are you doing with the things I entrusted to you before I retreated?"

"Don't worry, ancestor, we have collected all the maps." Beigong Huoyin said this, and glanced at Beigong Xiyan lightly, "Also, we have already explored two of the underground palaces and found A way to open the tomb of the gods."

"What?" Beigong Xiyan didn't show any happy expression after hearing Beigong Huoyin's words. Instead, he stared at Beigong Huoyin coldly, "I said before retreat, once I find all the maps Finally, you can only act after I leave the customs, Beigong Huoyin, you should also know the rules I set."

(End of this chapter)

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