Chapter 995 You Are Very Nice
"This is natural. As the current head of the Beigong family, Huoyin always remembers the teachings of his ancestors." Beigong Huoyin said this lightly, and then turned to Beigong Yan said without fear, "It's just that the world is impermanent, and many things are out of control, so there will be some temporary changes, which are inevitable. Please forgive me, my ancestors."

Seeing that Beigong Huoyin met his eyes without fear, and did not show a submissive look, Beigong Xiyan looked at him, and then coldly raised the corners of his lips, "You are not very young, but your tone Not small."

Everyone could hear the faint murderous intent hidden in Bei Gong Xiyan's tone, and the other Bei Gong family members present were almost scared out of their wits!
fear!A strong sense of fear spread throughout their bodies, causing cold sweat to break out on their backs.

Also being suppressed by the terrifying aura around Beigong Xiyan, Beigong Huoyin did not show any panic on his face, but was very calm, "As the patriarch of the Beigong family, the younger generation naturally It is to be bold and cautious, and not to bow to anyone."

Seeing that Beigong Huoyin was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and had extraordinary courage, Beigong Xiyan's body was filled with a faint killing intent, but at this moment it completely disappeared.

He hooked the corners of his lips in an extremely reckless manner, Bei Gong Xiyan looked at Bei Gong Huo Yin, his eagle-like sharp eyes burst into a smile, "Hehe, you are very good, I am very satisfied. "

"Did the rest of you hear that? People from our Beigong family cannot bow their heads like anyone else, so you'd better stand up before I get angry, if not..." Said, Beigong Xiyan still He narrowed his eyes sharply.

The hairs on the back stood up, and everyone present responded in unison, and then quickly stood up.

Seeing this, Beigong Xiyan raised the corners of his lips as if he was satisfied, and then looked at Beigong Huoyin, "Since I have already left the customs, I will naturally go to the Temple of the Gods with you next." Tomb, just tell me about the various things between the tomb of the gods."

"Yes, my ancestor, please invite me here. The family has already prepared a reception banquet for my ancestor. When the time comes, I will explain everything to my ancestor." Beigong Huoyin said to Beigong Xiyan calmly.

"En." After agreeing, Beigong Xiyan, led by Beigong Huoyin, headed straight for the front mountain.


At the same time, in the room where Ye Qianyue was.

After absorbing the energy from the last drop of ice blood essence into her body, Ye Qianyue quietly opened her eyes.

Fragments of light like jewels emerged from the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue also let out a breath of cold air slowly.

Wherever the cold air passed, even the ground was covered with a thin layer of ice. When people looked at the ice, they couldn't help shivering.

Seemingly very happy, the corners of her lips curled up. Ye Qianyue waved her hand, and a few light blue ice cubes exuding a cold air appeared in her hands, which made the corners of her lips curl up involuntarily. shallow smile.

"It finally succeeded. From today onwards, I am also a Psychic with the Ice Attribute." Saying this, Ye Qianyue jumped out of the bed, and then turned her head to look at Mo Ning over there.

(End of this chapter)

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