Chapter 1015 Marry Me
Lin Yujiao really squinted for an hour after eating before getting up, but this time she squinted for nothing, because she hadn't even lost consciousness.

Together, they found Fu Yuanying with a serious face.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Fu Yuanying looked angry: "Why don't you say I don't come? Don't you see what kind of ghost you have become? Is it possible that there are no men in the world except him?"

As soon as these words fell, Lin Yujiao was frightened: "Brother, I'm really fine! Look at me, I'm eating well and sleeping well now, so don't worry about me."

What do you mean by eating well and sleeping well?
That's it, eat well and sleep well?
Ghost letter!
Fu Yuanying pondered for a moment as if she had made a big decision: "Jiaomei, you marry me, I will treat you better than him!"

Lin Yujiao was taken aback by the sudden utterance: "Brother! What's wrong with you?"

Fu Yuanying took a deep breath: "Don't be surprised, listen to me. Since Li Tanhua has married Princess Shuxian, and the palace uses his amnesia as an excuse to say that those who don't know are not guilty, I don't think he will come back gone."

She can't just marry Fu Yuanying like this, it's too unfair to him!
Lin Yujiao shook her head: "No, I don't care whether he will come back or not, it has nothing to do with me. Really big brother, I don't think about him anymore."

Fu Yuanying was very excited when she heard the words: "If that's the case, why don't you want to marry me? Is it because I'm not good enough, or you really can't like me? Or you can't forget him at all? Could it be that you just guard him for him like this?" What? Lin Yujiao, are you an idiot? Is he the only man in this world? Marry me, and I swear that I will be good to you mother and child, okay?"

She didn't want to keep it!

She just doesn't want to marry again!
Really, she just didn't want to marry anyone, and nobody!

With such a dilapidated body and three children, how could she be worthy of his affection?
Lin Yujiao and Fu Yuanying loved her, but when this kind of love turned into a family relationship over time, it would be wiped out by the locks at home!
She is not only 20 years old, she is a person who has experienced two lives!
As soon as the words fell, Lin Yujiao's tears finally fell: "Brother, I don't have one! I won't guard him, he is not worthy of my guard. However, these three children belong to him, and I can't take his children to marry you again." , It’s so unfair! Brother, I know you treat me well, but I don’t deserve it, I really don’t deserve it. I don’t want to marry again! I’m sorry, I don’t want to marry again in this life!”

What is unfair?
As long as you are willing to marry, I think God is fair!
Fu Yuanying felt sad: "Jiaomei, I don't care about anything, can you think about it again?"

Lin Yujiao wiped away her tears: "Brother, stop talking! If I don't have a child, I will marry! But because I have a child, I can't marry! If one day he wakes up and comes to snatch the child from me, then the situation will be different." so awkward!"

"If you don't marry me, is it possible that he won't come to snatch the child? Or, when he comes to you, you will go with him?"

follow him?
Such a dirty man, I don't even want to give it to her!

"No! After a while, the wind dies down, I want to take the child and leave!"

Fu Yuanying was very distressed: "Where are you going? You are a woman with several children, where can you go?"

The sky is big and the earth is big. When the child grows up, she will not believe that there is nowhere to go!
(End of this chapter)

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