Chapter 1016 Make Her Cry

She doesn't want to stay in this place with him, and she doesn't want to smell the same fragrance of flowers as him, only when she leaves her will she not suffocate!

Lin Yujiao clenched her fists: "I don't know where to go, but I believe that there is no unparalleled road! I will not stay here and let him find it, and I will not give him the child I got from a narrow escape! Brother, don't persuade me!" me."

The more Fu Yuanying listened, the more uncomfortable she felt: She still thought about him, she hated him because of love!

——He still couldn't compete with him, even if he betrayed her, she still couldn't give up on him!
Resisting the pain in her heart, Fu Yuanying persuaded: "Jiaomei, although you can settle down anywhere in the world, but after you get there, if you, a single woman, want to live with three children, I'm afraid it's impossible!"

"Then I'll find someone to marry!"

"Jiaomei, what did you say?"

Lin Yujiao had no warmth in her eyes: "If it's really hard to live with a child, I'll find someone to remarry!"


Lin Yujiao breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother, ever since I recognized you as my eldest brother, I have regarded you as a family member in my heart. You are almost thirty, and it is time for Tweety and her siblings to need a mother to teach them. Let's find one."

——But I don't want to be a relative, I want to be a lover, why don't you understand?
The bottom of my heart kept calling, Fu Yuanying's eyes were red: "Since you can marry someone else, why don't you want to marry me? Jiaomei, marry me, I am more capable of keeping you and your children than ordinary people! Even if you don't If you like me, marry me too, and find a guarantee for your children!"

He gave up everything just for her, but she married him with a broken heart, which was exactly the ending she didn't want to see.

Lin Yujiao knew that there was no way to persuade Fu Yuanying who was so stubborn, but she had no face to sleep in his arms!
Not wanting to lose Fu Yuanying's affection, Lin Yujiao closed her eyes and made up her mind: "Brother, can you listen to me? This is what I say in my heart, don't be angry with me if I hurt you! Marry someone else, I will marry you." I can have no heart, but I can't marry you without heart!"

Does she mean that her heart is gone?

Lin Yujiao raised her head and said firmly: "Brother, I've made up my mind, don't try to persuade me! Let's be brothers and sisters forever! I know my request is shameless, but forgive me for being so selfish. You and Grandpa are in my heart , is one of the indispensable relatives in my life, you have no real brother, no one who can support me, from now on you will be my big brother for the rest of your life, okay?"

Can you please?

I don't want to be brothers and sisters anymore, but for this sake, so what if I don't do it?

Although she had already made up her mind to be her elder brother, the reality once again let him know that she didn't have him in her heart, and Fu Yuanying was still very sad!

It's just that no matter how sad he is, he has to accept the reality!
If you try hard but fail, then you can be her brother with peace of mind.

Fu Yuanying's eyes were firm: "If you want to do this, you can do it, but you must be strong and don't leave us. Otherwise, if you continue like this, I will tie you home and let grandpa pay us a visit! I Regardless of Lord Li or Lord Wang, whoever dares to bully you, I will fight them hard!"

After saying this, Lin Yujiao finally cried with her nose sour and her eyes red: "Brother... I... don't deserve you to treat me so well! Really, I don't deserve it!"

Fu Yuanying stepped forward and wiped her tears with her hand: "Don't cry! I think worthy is worthy. In my heart, you are the only sister! You still have many people who care about you, don't you? There is no shortage of him! Remember, you are loved by many."

(End of this chapter)

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