Chapter 211
Lin Yujiao closed the door as soon as she entered, and she was exhausted and sat down behind the door.

If it wasn't for Chen Qingsheng today, what would she do?
It's easy for her to die, so what about brother?
Clutching her heart that was still pounding, Lin Yujiao suddenly covered her mouth and cried...

She knew she shouldn't cry, but Lin Yujiao didn't know why she was crying because of the helplessness and helplessness and Chen Minsheng's disgusting face just now, but she cried happily.

But Chen Qingsheng hurriedly followed after throwing her away. He was really afraid that Lin Yujiao would not be able to figure it out. He didn't go home until she entered his yard.

"Fourth brother, didn't you go to herd cattle?"

When asked by his sister, Chen Qingsheng realized that he had thrown all the cows by the river.

"I came back to get the pole, and I cut some winter hair so I can pick it up later."

Chen Xiaohua glanced at the small courtyard of Lin's family, frowned and entered the house: "Mother, besides Brother Minsheng, can't you find someone suitable?"

Aunt Chen, who was feeding the chicken, said, "What's wrong? Your fourth brother went to find Yujiao again?"

Chen Xiaohua pouted: "I didn't look for it, but I didn't see it. Just now, sister Yujiao came back from washing clothes by the river, and then the fourth brother came back, so I want to remind mother."

Perhaps the son followed Lin Yujiao secretly?
Thinking of her son's disobedience, Aunt Chen felt sad: "What the hell is your fourth brother trying to do? Why is he so selfish? He is not alone in this family, it is a big family. To marry a second wife, What's the face of your parents? No, I have to go to your third aunt to discuss and settle their marriage as soon as possible."

After tidying up the house, Aunt Chen is going out.

Suddenly, Aunt Ninth from the next door ran over: "Big Mao Niang, do you know that something happened to Minsheng!"

Chen Minsheng was mentioned in the morning, and it was only two hours before something happened all of a sudden?
Aunt Chen was anxious: "Aunt Jiu, what happened to Minsheng? It's fine, why did something happen suddenly, did you hear me right?"

"How could I hear wrong? The Fusheng family said that he went to the field early. The corn seeds had just been planted and he wanted to water some water. Who would have thought that he went out early in the morning and didn't come back until now, and he didn't even have breakfast. If you didn’t eat it, let his third child look for it. Guess what?”

Seeing that Aunt Nine is still playing tricks, Aunt Chen is anxious: "Aunt Nine, don't be tricky, what's wrong?"

"Maybe I accidentally fell off the embankment while carrying water. I could have hit my head on a rock and hit a big bump on the back of my head! This person is still unconscious."

Both of them are from the same family. If something happened to the family, Aunt Chen would not be able to visit her relatives: "Have you invited the doctor yet? Let's go and have a look."

Soon Chen Shengfu's house was full of people, and Chen Minsheng's mother was crying and waiting for the doctor. After a while, the doctor from the village arrived and said that he had bumped his head.

It was evening when Lin Yujiao got the news, and she was much calmer after she had vented her anger: "Ma'am, is that person okay? Are you awake?"

Aunt Niu shook her head: "I'm awake, but when I woke up, my eyes were dull, and I couldn't recognize people. There was such a big bump on the back of the head, and the doctor said that there was blood in the brain, and the brain would definitely be in the future. Affected. Yujiao, it’s a good thing that Aunt Hua didn’t coax her away, otherwise your life would be over.”

Lin Yujiao only heard the first half of the sentence: Chen Minsheng didn't recognize anyone after waking up!
Made Chen Qingsheng stupid with that stick?
Meh~~ Thank you for the tears of the sea~~
 I will work hard, everyone remember to leave a comment for me~~
(End of this chapter)

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