Chapter 212
It would be a lie to say that Lin Yujiao didn't regret this day.

Although she didn't know that Chen Minsheng was so shameless, she also blamed herself for not having a sense of defense. After all, her status as a divorced wife and her appearance were the focus of men's attention.

At the end of the day, Lin Yujiao couldn't even drink water, and complained that she had lived two lives in vain.

When Lin Yujiao got the news, Lin Yujiao, who was full of hatred in her heart, jumped up: that's great, it's best to be stupid!
Aunt Niu saw that she was stunned and laughed suddenly, she was so frightened that she quickly pushed her away: "Yujiao, what are you thinking? Did you listen to me?"

"I heard it! Auntie, God is watching what people do. This brother of the Chen family will suddenly have an accident. I wonder if he has done too many bad things? I heard that he would beat his wife, and he also said that his two daughters-in-law had children before. It's difficult to give birth because the Chen family is too harsh."

This matter has been talked about in the village for a long time, but it has nothing to do with everyone and no one talks about it.

Aunt Niu nodded: "You are right, God has eyes. Chen Minsheng could have picked up water and fell into the river, maybe he really did too many bad things. Fortunately, you were not fooled, otherwise you This life is over."

How could she marry a man who had lost two wives?
Besides, she didn't want to marry at all at that time!
"That's because God has eyes. If it wasn't for God's eyes, how could I have heard this rumor? Auntie, don't you think so?"

"Yes, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. This person has to act with conscience! Well, I'm here to tell you about the village. Your sister-in-law asked your elder brother to come back with meat today. I'll call you over for dinner. After dinner is ready, I'll call Xiang'er."

Originally, Lin Yujiao didn't have much appetite, but this news suddenly improved her appetite: "Hey, ma'am, I want to drink rice wine later!"

"Hehe, this girl, is she really drunk? All right, but it's irresponsible to make you a drunkard!"

I didn't eat all day, and in the evening I ate a big bowl of rice and drank a big bowl of fine wine at Niu's house.

This night, Lin Yujiao slept peacefully.

I thought this year would pass by without anyone noticing it, but Chen Minsheng's old lady ran to the house on the third day.

Seeing her, Lin Yujiao was in a bad mood, and there was no expression on her face: "Aunt Chen, what do you do?"

Mrs. Chen Minsheng didn't seem to see Lin Yujiao's expression, and she had a flattering smile on her face: "Oh, Mrs. Lin is at home? That's great."

"Ms. Chen, I really don't have time for this meeting. Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Okay, Mrs. Lin is really a straightforward person, so I'll just say it straight. I heard that you are good at acupuncture, but my son's head was thrown stupidly. Can you do me a favor and help him? The doctor said that there is a piece of blood on the back of Minsheng's head that is not easy to disperse, and acupuncture will gradually heal after a long period of time."

Let her deal with that hooligan?
I bother!

Don't say she doesn't have this ability, Lin Yujiao knows that even if she had this ability, she would not help such a villain!
Lin Yujiao wished that Chen Minsheng would remain so stupid forever!

What is stingy?
Looking at Mrs. Chen's expression, Lin Yujiao finally understood: this Chen Minsheng's mother is a stingy old man, she just wants to save her son and money~
"Ma'am, my acupuncture can only pierce the legs and feet, how can I pierce the head? Don't scare me. You can't pierce the head randomly. If you pierce the wrong one, you will have serious problems."

(End of this chapter)

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