Chapter 251 Abuse
Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, Fu Cuirou spit on Lin Yujiao's clothes: "Damn! You liar and vixen! Why don't you marry my father? My great-grandfather is already preparing a dowry! Yesterday, a matchmaker went to When I came to my house, I heard what they were saying! Shameless vixen, you lie so much that ghosts will believe you!"

"That's right! Tweety, I told you last time that this shameless vixen wants to be your stepmother, but you still don't believe me? Do you believe me now? Look at her vixen face, she hasn't even entered yet." , your father always has her in his heart, if she enters the house and has two sons, won't he kill you and your brother?"

This incitement worked. Fu Cuirou rushed over and bumped into Lin Yujiao: "Fox, I hate you! I hate you for being my stepmother. If you dare to be my stepmother, I'll kill you!"

Lin Yujiao didn't prevent her from bumping into her. Fortunately, the child is weak, otherwise she would definitely fall to the ground.

Even so, she was knocked several meters away...

She had already learned how powerful Fu Cuirou was, but Lin Yujiao never imagined that such a young child would be twisted like this!
Lin Yujiao knew that today's incident must be the result of Huang Yuling's instigation, but she is the child's aunt, and it is impossible not to have contact with the child in the future. If the child treats her so cruelly today, I am afraid it will not be better in the future.

Maybe Fu Yuanying is really a good man, but let him be caught between her and his child for a long time, what kind of result will it be?
Lin Yujiao knew that she really wanted to marry Fu Yuanying, but today this child really woke her up...

"You go back, Miss is a child, I don't care about today's affairs with you. As for the matters between adults, you are still young."

"Fuck! Why am I still young? Why can't I take care of things between adults? I'll tell you, Lin Yujiao, if you dare to marry my father, I can really kill you! Listen to me clearly! I hate you , our family hates you! You heard me clearly, you are not allowed to marry my father!"

Lin Yujiao was really stunned when the child became like this.

Seeing that Lin Yujiao was in a daze, Huang Yuling stepped forward and sneered twice: "Lin Yujiao, my eldest brother-in-law designed me to marry you. Do you think it will be successful? Huh, let me tell you, Cui'er and Yu'er are my nephews. I won't recognize such a lowly mother like you! Do you hear me, get the hell out of here, he's mine!"

Child, Lin Yujiao can't argue with her.

But Huang Yuling didn't pay attention to her: "Miss Huang, you are a lady from a rich family. How shameless are you to say that? I never said that I want to enter the Fu family. You are thinking too much!"

"Am I thinking too much? I'm not Tweety, I can be coaxed by you with just a few words! My eldest brother-in-law has been coming to you all these days, using the excuse of investigating the case, but he actually came to see you! He even seduced him a few days ago Went to your natal family, who is shameless? Lin Yujiao, you are a second-married woman, are you worthy of my eldest brother-in-law!"

No wonder Fu Yuanying didn't marry Huang Yuling, if she was a man, she would rather marry a woman who even a beggar would look down on!
"Whether you deserve it or not is up to you! I can seduce your eldest brother-in-law, which shows that I have the ability! I have a low status, and you have a high status. It's a pity that he doesn't like you, even if you put him in his bed No, what should I do?"

" Qiu, give me the mouth of this bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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