Chapter 252 Fighting
Hearing Huang Yuling's scream like crazy, Lin Yujiao opened her eyes and grimaced: "How dare you!"

The spoiled Huang Yuling didn't dare, seeing Lin Yujiao dared to talk back, relying on her large number of people, she immediately rushed over like crazy: "Mother Qiu, hit me!"

Seeing that her aunt was about to fight, Fu Cuirou immediately yelled, "Mother Qiu, hit me! I'll hold on if something happens!"

This time Qiu's mother rushed forward without any hesitation. Lin Yujiao dodged immediately, "Don't come here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Although Huang Yuling's voice was not loud, her voice was very ruthless: "Mother Qiu, just hit me hard, and I'll see how rude she is!"

The two surrounded them like crazy, and Lin Yujiao was suddenly entangled by the two of them. She was anxious: "Let go! You are too unreasonable!"


"Mother Qiu, hit her!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yujiao slapped Lin Yujiao's face with a "ba" slap. Qiu Pozi's strength was so strong that her face turned red immediately.

Seeing that the move was successful, Huang Yuling hugged Lin Yujiao tightly and screamed: "Shameless vixen, I will reason with you! Mother Qiu, let me take away her vixen face! I see her How to seduce a man!"

It seems that today either you die or I live!

Lin Yujiao's fiery face aroused the strength in her heart, she used all her breastfeeding strength to shake off Huang Yuling and also said ruthlessly: "Damn bitch, if you dare to beat my old lady, I will fight with you!"

Huang Yuling didn't expect Lin Yujiao's petite and exquisite person to be so strong, and she was accidentally thrown to the ground.

At this moment, Lin Yujiao took the opportunity to raise her foot and kicked Mrs. Qiu, who also fell to the ground in an instant.

If you gain power, you can't make people. The crazy Lin Yujiao grabbed Huang Yuling and slapped her several times: "Damn bitch, I told you to bully! I told you to bully! You really think that making people is afraid of people? Do you want to hit people? Hit as soon as you hit, kill a good back, kill a pair of old ladies and make money!"

Lin Yujiao slapped her hands with all her breastfeeding strength, and Huang Yuling was beaten and cried in an instant: "Mother Qiu, save me!"

"Let go of my aunt!"

"Xiao Cui'er, go away! Otherwise, I'll scratch her face and make her unable to get married!"

After all, Fu Cuirou was only six years old, so she naturally dared to play tricks when she had a backstage, but Lin Yujiao, who was like a ghost, immediately frightened her!

Huang Yuling couldn't break free, but Mrs. Qiu didn't dare to go forward, and immediately bit and cursed: "Lin Yujiao, if you don't let me go, I'll let someone kill you!"

But Lin Yujiao knew that Ren Shan was bullied and Ma Shan was ridden by others, and blindly forbearance would not make people respect. Since you hit me, don't be afraid, at worst, you will die again!
"Okay! If you want to die, don't you! If you want to die, then come!"

After finishing speaking, another slap was slapped on Huang Yuling's face: "Shameless bitch, you want to be crazy about men, right? If you want to be a man, you strip naked and pounce on yourself, no one wants you to come to others to vent your anger, I If you were to find a straw and hang yourself, would you still have the face to go out and play cruelly?"

This slap was so hard that Huang Yuling burst into tears in pain: "Let me go! Let me go, Mommy Qiu, save me!"

Qiu Pozi wanted to move, but she kicked her just now and fell to the ground in pain. At this moment, she was a little scared: "Let go of my lady, you can hit me!"

(End of this chapter)

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