Chapter 665

Chen Xiaohua was so frightened that she was dumbfounded. She was ordered to put on her clothes, and then she was tied up firmly and pushed out the door...

What exactly is going on?
When the two were chained together and locked in the dungeon of the yamen, Chen Xiaohua who finally came to his senses looked at Miss Huang: "What happened?"

Although Miss Huang is better than Chen Xiaohua, she doesn't know the situation at all: "I don't know!"

"Why did they catch us?"

Miss Huang was annoyed: "How would I know? If you ask me, who should I ask?"

Disappointed and frightened, Chen Xiaohua was trembling all over: "But didn't you say that they are very powerful? Where are they now? Did they run away?"

They are very powerful, Miss Huang said aggrievedly: "I'm like you, I don't know anything, okay! Don't ask, it's so annoying!"

"Could it be that they caught Lin Yujiao and ran away, leaving us alone?"

Seeing her chattering, Miss Huang said even more irritably, "I don't know what I said, why don't you ask!"

"Chen Xiaohua, do you want to know? If you ask her, I'm afraid you won't be able to find out anything. Why don't you let me tell you?"

Seeing the person coming, Chen Xiaohua seemed to have seen a ghost: "Why is it you?"

Lin Yujiao, who came slowly, smiled slightly: "It's me. Didn't you expect it? Miss Huang, are you safe? Oh, I can't call you Miss Huang anymore. You are no longer a girl. You should be called Mrs. Ghost, right?"

Seeing the beautiful woman in front of her, Miss Huang took a while to remember: "Lin Yujiao, you did it again, right?"

Lin Yujiao shook her head and smiled: "How can I do this? It was done by my husband and my righteous brother! Madam Ghost, you have made a great contribution today! Do you know that your three husbands raped and killed the eldest daughter of the eldest princess?" Three years ago, the eldest princess was a villain who offered a reward of ten thousand taels of silver to hunt down!"

As soon as the words fell, Miss Huang went crazy, and immediately rushed to Lin Yujiao and shouted: "Lin Yujiao, I will never spare you!"

With a "bang", a black whip was flicked, and Miss Huang landed on the wall of the cell, making a loud noise...

"Want to kill me?"

Miss Huang, who was completely dizzy from the fall, looked at Lin Yujiao who was standing gracefully in the middle of the room, and immediately cursed: "Lin Yujiao, I wish I could drink your blood and eat your flesh!"

"Hehe, it's a pity that you have no chance! Miss Huang, I heard that you gave birth to a son for the three ghosts? The wife of the bandit leader, it seems that the eldest princess will not let it go!"

Could it be that Miss Huang will be killed too?
Chen Xiaohua was frightened and knelt down in front of Lin Yujiao with a plop: "Sister Yujiao, save me! I'm Xiaohua, I was captured by bandits today, I'm not a bandit, and I have nothing to do with them, please help me!"

Looking at Chen Xiaohua who was afraid of death on the ground, Lin Yujiao's eyes were cold: "Hehe...Chen Xiaohua, you are quick enough! You were indeed captured by that monkey seven, but it is a pity that you let him be captured voluntarily! What? Like? What happens to the informer, isn't it good?"

As soon as these words fell, Chen Xiaohua seemed to have seen a ghost: "You you..."

Lin Yujiao smiled: "What about me? How do I know, right? Chen Xiaohua, I have warned you a long time ago, don't be evil-minded, and those who are too evil-minded will be punished by the heavens! No, the retribution is coming! ? If you didn't want to harm me, how could you collude with bandits?
Did you know that these are big bandits, bandits who dare to rape even princesses and young girls, do you think they are vegetarians? Harmful people will eventually kill themselves, this is your retribution, Chen Xiaohua!Reincarnate to be a good person in your next life, don't be so vicious again, and be careful to enter the [-]th floor of hell! "

(End of this chapter)

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